Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Sunday, March 18, 2012

What Does It Mean to Walk in the Holy Spirit?

It means to live each moment in touch with the Holy Spirit, be sensitive to His voice, and be obedient to Him.

When the Spirit speaks to your heart, obey it immediately; delayed obedience is disobedience.

There is no greater example of selfless humanity than Jesus.

Key verses: Gal. 5:16; Prov. 1:33; Phil. 2:5

How can we win the spiritual battle?

*know that God sees everything
*know that your sins will be found out
*know that God is keeping watch
*know that our responsibility is subject to God's sovereignty

Key verses: Psalm 33:13; Prov. 5:21-22; Prov. 15:3; Prov. 16:1-3

The Holy Spirit will guide us IF we die to ourselves daily.

We have three enemies: the world, our flesh, and the devil.

We should set our minds on Spiritual things. Rom. 8:5

Our Spiritual battles are in our mind and in our behavior.
We must set our minds on obedience.
We must be prepared for Spiritual battle.
We must remember that apart from Him, we are inadequate.

Key verses: James 1:12-13; Eph. 4:29-32; Rom. 6: 15-16; I Peter 1:13; Phil. 4:13

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