Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, October 29, 2022

week of 10/30

Unit 14  Session 4 



Repentance is an act prompted by sorrow in which a person turns from sin to Christ.

The past few studies have taken us from the theme of judgment to the theme of grace and back again. From a king to a nation of people, the need for humility is evident. So where should all of this take us? To a humbled heart. We've seen the kindness of God in the past few studies, though kindness and judgment aren't thought to live in the same house. With God, however, they do. The apostle Paul said God's kindness is intended to lead us to repentance (Rom. 2:4). It is to repentance we now look.

Points to consider:

   Repentance is the result of godly sorrow.
     * Why should repentance, whether someone 
        else's or our own, result in rejoicing?
     * What are some ways we can recognize the 
        difference between godly grief and worldly 

✞   Repentance is the act of turning from sin.
     * What are some ways sinners do not "prosper" 
        when hiding their sins?

✞   Repentance is proven by obedience.       
     * Why does repentance require that obedience 

Monday, October 17, 2022

week of 10/23

Unit 14  Session 3



God saves and restores all those who repent and turn to Him in faith.

The prophet Zephaniah brought one major message to God's people: the day of the Lord was coming. That day was a day of judgment, but it was also a day of grace. God's people and the nations were faced with the reality of God's coming judgment, and Zephaniah's message called all people to repentance to find grace in the face of judgment. The Lord is patient, but His judgment does not delay. It comes soon, so the prophet's call was timely and urgent: Humbly come under the refuge of God's grace or be destroyed by your pride.

Points to consider:

   The Lord saves the repentant.
     * Why does humility please the Lord?

✞   The Lord restores the faithful.
     * What are some ways our speech is 
        tainted by the effects of sin?
     * Why is pride such a devestating 
        attitude and sin?

✞   The Lord purifies the humble.       
     * What should sanctification look 
        like in this world plagued by sin?  

week of 10/16

Unit 14  Session 2


ISAIAH 13 - 31

The Lord seeks to show mercy and compassion even to His disobedient people.

God's people always had a tough time obeying. Faithfulness should have marked their lives, but often rebellion was the major key. How did God respond? Did He throw them out and bind Himself to another group of people? By no means! God remains faithful though His people are faithless. God remains true though His people stray. God is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in faithful love and truth, staying true to a thousand generations of sinful men and women who love Him. God is just and true, and He is loving and merciful, but He does correct and judge - all to bring us to repentance.
Points to consider:

   The Lord will be vindicated in judging iniquity.
     * Why might we find it so hard to abandon 
        our self-reliance and trust God alone?

✞   The Lord will be praised for judging iniquity.
     * Why should the promise and fulfillment of 
        God's judgment cause people to worship 
        the Lord?

✞   The Lord will be merciful after judging iniquity.       
     * What does it mean to wait for the Lord?
     * How has God's mercy changed the way you 
        live and see the world? 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

week of 10/9

Unit 14  Session 1


2 KINGS 11 - 12 ; 2 CHRONICLES 22 - 24

Faithfulness is proven over the long-term, and later lapses of faithfulness will be judged.

Ahab, king of Israel, and his wife, Jezebel, brought great wickedness and idolatry into the land, leading their people far astray from the one true God. And Ahab's influence spread to Judah when his daughter, Athaliah, married Jehoram, the king of Judah. Through the word of Elisha, a general from Israel named Jehu brought judgment upon all the house of Ahab, killing the wicked kings of both kingdoms who were descended from him. The power vacuum in Judah was quickly and violently filled by Athaliah, the queen mother, but even she did not escape God's judgment and was replaced by the rightful king, Joash.
Points to consider:

   A faithful king restores the proper worship of God.
     * What are some excuses people might have for 
        delaying spiritual restoration in their lives and       

✞   A forgetful king reverts to the worship of idols.
     * What are some things we can do to avoid the 
        wayward path Joash took with his life?

✞   A fallen king receives the judgment of God.       
     * What does God's response to Joash's rebellion 
        teach us about God's character?
     * What should a life of faithfulness look like for 
        a believer in Jesus Christ?

Saturday, October 1, 2022

week of 10/2

Unit 13  Session 5


ISAIAH 44 - 46

Idolatry is a rebellion against God, born in the hearts of people when they worship parts of creation rather than the Creator.

Isaiah prophesied during a relatively good time for the Southern Kingdom of Judah, but the Northern Kingdom of Israel was in its death spiral leading to their eventual fall to Assyria. Still, idolatry remained a struggle for both kingdoms in varying degrees until both met their demise in exile as God's punishment. One place Isaiah addressed this issue was a portion of his prophetic book aimed ahead to a time after the people had been deported to pagan lands. Through Isaiah, the Lord made the case that idols, whether local or abroad, were nothing but a dead distraction from the one true God.

Points to consider:

   Idolatry begins by rejecting God.
     * Why do people, even believers, succumb 
        to the temptation of idolatry?

✞   Idolatry leads to a futile religion.
     * How has the Lord been your Rock?
     * Why must we remember that every act 
        in service to an idol is ultimately futile?

✞   Idolatry results in foolishness.       
     * What are some of the empty promises 
        of idols that only God can fulfill?