Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, April 30, 2022

week of 5/1

Unit 9  Session 2


JUDGES 13-16

God is able to bring salvation to His people, even through the weakness of His chosen deliverer.

During the time of the judges, the Israelites repeatedly sinned and faced God's judgment. In the midst of their suffering, they cried out for help, and God raised up judges to deliver them: Othniel, Ehud, Deborah and Barak, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson, to name a few. God empowered these people to deliver Israel from their enemies. Yet these judges were flawed, just like the people they were sent to rescue. Gideon was afraid. Jephthah made a foolish vow. And Samson was much like the Philistines he was raised up to defeat. The judges were flawed "heroes", but God, the true Hero, used them despite their weaknesses.

Points to consider:

   God will save His people through a promised deliverer.
     * How might this scenario in Judges foreshadow God's
        actions related to the gospel?

✞   God will save His people through a flawed deliverer
     * What are some ways God has used you in spite of 
      your flaws?

✞   God will save His people through a vengeful deliverer.
     * What are some consequences we may face by 
      pursuing our own passions?
     * How does Samson's death compare and contrast
      with Jesus' death?

Saturday, April 23, 2022

week of 4/24

 Unit 9  Session 1



Patterns of sin can develop a firm hold on people, but even though sin brings condemnation, God is gracious to provide deliverance.

The people of Israel were now well established in the promised land. With the Lord on their side and fighting for them, the Israelites conquered and put to flight the pagan peoples of the land. Furthermore, the land had been allotted to the tribes so that they could settle down and make their homes. For all intents and purposes, the Lord had fulfilled all of His promises, but the Israelites began to fail in theirs. After Joshua and that generation died, a new generation rose up who had not been taught about the Lord and what He had done for them. The result: They did what was evil in the Lord's sight, again and again.

Points to consider:

   God's people are quick to abandon Him.
     * What are some ways we can pass on to others the
      truth of who God is and what He has done for us?
     * What are some idols we are tempted to worship
        in place of God?

✞   God's people face consequences for their sins
     * What are some of the consequences of sin?

✞   God's people are saved through a Rescuer He provides.
     * What are some ways Christians can reflect God's
      love and compassion for sinners?

Saturday, April 16, 2022

week of 4/17

Unit 8  Session 4


JOSHUA 24 ; MARK 16 ; LUKE 7

God's miraculous signs and wonders, of which the resurrection of Jesus is the greatest, demonstrate His glory and draw people to Himself through Christ.

At the conclusion of the Book of Joshua, all of Israel is gathered together by Joshua to make an important decision: Will they serve the Lord alone or not? Joshua makes his final case for choosing the Lord, and part of his evidence for this case is the miracles the Lord had performed on their behalf in the exodus, in the wilderness, and in the conquest. God's miracles serve the purposes of drawing people to Himself, of revealing His glory and bringing Him glory, and of vindicating His words. The greatest miracle of all is the resurrection of Jesus Christ, securing for us the promise of eternal life.

Points to consider:

   God's miracles draw people to Himself.
     * What are some ways the Lord has drawn you to

✞   God's miracles bring Him glory
     * What is the connection between God's miracles and
     God's compassion for human beings?
     * Why do you think the people were compelled to
      share the report of this miracle with others?

✞   God's miracles vindicate His words
     * What are some truths that should guide our lives
      because of Jesus' resurrection?

Saturday, April 9, 2022

week of 4/10

Unit 8  Session 3



God's people must remember the great things He has done as they obey His commands today and look forward to the fulfillment of His promises tomorrow.

Through the direction, work, and provision of the Lord, the Israelites graduated from the phase of conquest to the phase of distributing the spoils of their new land and finally to the phase of resting from war. While God was faithful and merciful in giving them this promised land, He is also the holy One who could take it all away if they chose to be unfaithful to His covenant with them. So Joshua, in his old age, summoned all of Israel to plead with them to obey the covenant that they might honor their Lord and continue to enjoy His blessing upon them. 

Points to consider:

   A call to reflect on all that the Lord has done.
     * What are some things the Lord has done for you,
        particularly in the last week?

✞   A call to recommit to obey all that the Lord has       
     * What are some ways believers need to take care to 
        ensure they are loving the Lord?
     * How should believers navigate their relationships
      with others?

✞   A call to remember all that the Lord has promised
     * Why is the believer's promise of sure salvation in
        Christ not a license to sin?

Saturday, April 2, 2022

week of 4/3

Unit 8  Session 2



God wins the victory for His people, who must follow Him in faith. 

The Lord won the battle of Jericho on behalf of His people, the Israelites. He collapsed the wall and handed the city over to Israel for its total destruction and required that all the precious metals be devoted for His use in the tabernacle. He warned that if the Israelites did not honor this command, then destruction and trouble would come upon the disobedient and the entire camp. Against the backdrop of Israel's faithful obedience at Jericho and Rahab's faithful actions toward the spies, and the blessings of God's reward, one man chose to transgress God's command. And soon, his secret sin found him out.

Points to consider:

   Unfaithfulness leads to defeat.
     * How do human beings typically evaluate the gravity
        of sin?
     * What are some ways believers' sins affect the church?

✞   Sin leads to judgment
     * Why do we try to hide our sin, or think we can?

✞   Faithfulness leads to victory
     * What are some ways believers today experience 
        victory through their faithfulness?