Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, March 26, 2022

week of 3/27

Unit 8  Session 1


JOSHUA 2 ; 5-6

God provides salvation to all who trust in Him and makes them part of His people. 

The Israelites had crossed the Jordan River, on dry ground, no less, and had entered into their promised land. With renewed strength and the comfort of God's promises, the people of God set up camp and looked forward to a hopeful future. With the all-powerful God on their side, their enemies stood no chance. But though God would use Israel as the weapon of His judgment against the Canaanites, He remains the God of perfect mercy and grace, even holding out salvation to His enemies who trust Him for it. God's mercy is not limited to one group of people but extends out to all peoples and to the ends of the earth.

Points to consider:

   An enemy appeals for kindness from the Lord's people.
     * How does the Christian's faith compare with Rahab's?

✞   An enemy is spared from destruction by the Lord's 
     * Why do you think God often uses seemingly foolish or
      strange means to accomplish His purpose?

✞   An enemy becomes part of the Lord's people
     * Why is it important for God's people to keep their 
     * How should Rahab's story affect the way we think
        about those who seem far away from the Lord? 

Saturday, March 19, 2022

week of 3/20

Unit 7  Session 3



The Scriptures are the standard of authority for the believer, providing the message of Salvation and guidance for how to live.

Joshua heard the Lord appoint him to leadership over the Israelites in the place of Moses. He received God's encouraging word to "be strong and courageoous" because God promised to be with him and the people of Israel. Furthermore, the Lord gave Joshua instructions about their entry into and conquest of the promised land that he was to lead the people to obey. Because God is our holy and good Creator, His Word is authoratative, declaring God's plan for our salvation and His expectations for our obedience. In this session, we will delve into our great need for God's Word and discover His intended purposes for it.

Points to consider:

   God's Word provides wisdom for salvation.
     * Who are some people that have taught you
      the Scriptures, helping you to find salvation
        in Jesus?
     * Why is the Bible deserving of our obedience
        and full submission?

✞   God's Word provides instruction for a life of 
     fulfillment in God.
     * When we think about fulfillment in life, why
      should God and His Word immediately come
        to mind?

✞   God's Word provides precepts for pure living
     * What are some ways we can treasure God's
        Word in our hearts? 

Saturday, March 12, 2022

week of 3/13

Unit 7  Session 2


joshua 3-4

The Lord goes before His people in power to lead them where He

God appointed Joshua to lead the Israelites into the promised
land, and He gave His representative instruction and encourage-
ment by the assurance of His presence. As the new mediator
between God and God's people, Joshua obediently relayed God's
command that the people would cross the Jordan River and
conquer their enemies so that they could obtain the land God
had promised them. Now three days later, the people were
prepared to take their first steps of obedience through a
raging river.

Points to consider:

   God's people are to anticipate the Lord's
     * What are some things you can do to 
      better prepare your heart to observe
        and bear witness to God's work in
        your life?
     * How did God prepare His people to
        receive His provision in this passage?

✞   God's people are to follow the Lord's
     * What are some ways you have seen
      your faith in God's guidance become

✞   God's people are to remember the
     Lord's works.
     * What are some ways the church has
      been instructed to remember the
        Lord's works?

Saturday, March 5, 2022

week of 3/6

 Unit 7  Session 1


joshua 1

God's Word is a source of guidance, strength and hope to His people.

Moses led the Israelites through the wilderness for forty years
because of the people's failure of faith in refusing to take the
promised land a generation earlier. Now a new generation had
arrived on the edge of the promised land, but Moses would no
longer lead them, for he too would die outside the land for his
own disobedience. So this next generation would need a new
leader, and God had raised up Joshua in the shadow of Moses
to fulfill this role. In the midst of a climate of disappointment,
failure, and death, God set the stage with Joshua to demonstrate
His faithful commitment to His people despite their sinfulness.

Points to consider:

   God gives direction and comfort through
     His presence.
     * What are some ways God reminds us
        that He is still at work in our lives,
        regardless of our circumstances?
     * What does the promise of God's presence
        mean for believers today?

✞   God gives strength and courage through
      His Word.
     * What are some future promises that help
        believers be strong and courageous today?

✞   God gives hope and victory through
      His promises.
     * Why did Israel have reason to have
      confidence in Joshua's instructions?