Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Monday, October 23, 2023

week of 10/22

Unit 26  Session 3



Even as Jesus was betrayed and arrested, He did not waver in His obedience to the Father and continued to trust in His plan to provide salvation.

As Jesus and His disciples left the upper room, Jesus embarked on the final leg of His journey to the cross. He entered the garden of Gethsemane, knowing all His disciples would fail to stand and watch and pray. He knew Peter would deny Him three times. He was utterly alone, but He never wavered. In the garden, Jesus did what Adam could not do. He stood against the devil and bowed His will to the Father's. By doing so, He brought many sons to glory.

Points to consider:

   The Son of Man predicts abandonment.
     * What can you do to show your thankfulness, 
        knowing Jesus was willing to face death to 
        bring about salvation?
     * How does the gospel change the way we view 
        the disciples' failures through the night of 
        Jesus' arrest?

✞   The Son of Man trusts in God's plan.
     * What can we learn from Jesus in the garden 
        when we are grieving and sorrowful?
     * How does Jesus' acceptance of God's will 
        instruct us on how we should pray during 
        difficult times?

✞   The Son of Man exercises restraint.
     * How does knowing God's timing is different 
        from our timing help us in dealing with 
     * Seeing prophecies fulfilled, what do we 
        learn about Scripture?

Saturday, October 14, 2023

week of 10/14

Unit 26  Session 2



In the Lord's Supper, Jesus presented a picture of the sacrifice He would make on the cross and also affirmed that He would be victorious: His kingdom would not fail.

Jesus continued His march to the cross, but He stopped to celebrate Passover with His disciples. The time of His departure was near, and one among them would betray Him. Yet Jesus did something more than simply predict His death and resurrection - He performed the first Lord's Supper. Christians have taken the Lord's Supper ever since as a reminder of Christ's broken body and blood shed upon the cross. This signifies the new covenant between Jesus and His people, a promise sealed by Jesus' blood to save His people from their sins.

Points to consider:

   The Son of Man will be betrayed 
as part 
     of God's plan.
     * How does God's plan of salvation reveal 
        His love?
     * How do God's plan and our choices work 

✞   The Son of Man will be sacrificed as part 
     of God's plan.
     * How does looking at the Lord's Supper 
        with fresh eyes change the way you 
        approach partaking of it with the church?
     * How does the word "covenant" help us 
        understand the security found in Christ's 

✞   The Son of Man will be celebrated as part 
     of God's kingdom.
     * Knowing you will see Jesus one day, how 
        does that encourage you daily?
     * How do songs of worship impact your life?

Saturday, October 7, 2023

week of 10/8

Unit 26  Session 1



Those who follow Jesus are called to sacrifice in order to show Him worth, prioritizing Him above all as they point others to Him.

One day before Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, six days before the Passover festival and His crucifixion, Jesus visited with His friends Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Just a short time earlier, Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead, calling him to come out of the tomb that had been his final resting place for four days. This visit no doubt was accompanied by celebration and thanksgiving for the miracle Jesus had performed, but it also gave rise to acts of devotion and rejection that would soon culminate in the great High Priest's sacrifice of Himself for the sins of the world.

Points to consider:

   Jesus' followers sacrifice greatly for Him.
     * What adjectives or characteristics express 
        the way we should serve the Lord?
     * What types of sacrifices can someone offer 
        to Jesus today?

✞   Jesus' followers prioritize being with Him.
     * Why is it sometimes easier to do good works 
        than to spend time cultivating our relationship 
        with Jesus?
     * Though Jesus is not with us physically, how can 
        we spend more time with Him?

✞   Jesus' followers help others believe in Him.
     * How have miracles in your life pointed you or 
        others to Jesus?
     * How does the hope of future resurrection 
        strengthen you now to live for Christ?

Sunday, October 1, 2023

week of 10/1

 Unit 25  Session 5



Jesus fulfills the office of prophet, declaring words of eternal life to the world.

When Jesus began His earthly ministry, He immediately turned heads. He taught with authority in a way that completely stunned and amazed the people who heard Him. No one had ever seen or heard anyone teach the way Jesus taught. But Jesus wasn't accepted by everyone. In fact, though many people immediately desired to follow Jesus, they lacked staying power because the teachings of Jesus were very difficult for them to understand and accept. Jesus, the true Prophet, not only declared the way to the Father, but when He did, He revealed Himself as the only Way.

Points to consider:

   Jesus, the Word, possesses unique authority.
     * What are some things believers can do to 
        live in submission to the authority of Jesus 
        over their lives?
     * How does Jesus' being the final Word of God 
        shape our understanding of people who 
        claim to have new revelation?

✞   Jesus, the Word, provides eternal life.
     * What's the difference between a true disciple 
        and one that just follows for a time but one 
        day will turn away?
     * What's so amazing about eternal life?

✞   Jesus, the Word, reveals the Father.
     * If Jesus is the only Way, what are some of the 
        important distinctions between Christianity 
        and other religions?
     * How does knowing Jesus, the Father, and the 
        Spirit are One encourage you?