Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Monday, May 29, 2023

week of 5/28

Unit 21  Session 4



Faith in Christ is the only means of salvation and relationship with God.

True discipleship in action involves obedience to Jesus Christ, confession of our sinfulness, and a desire to follow Jess, leaving all else behind. Simon and the other disciples did just that. They demonstrated true faith in the person of Jesus. We are still on the topic of faith, but now we move to some of the letters of Jesus' disciples to learn more about what faith truly is as taught to the early church.

Points to consider:

   Faith in Christ changes a person's 
     standing before God.
     * What are some signs we might be 
        leaning toward a works-based 
        salvation instead of justification 
        by faith?
     * How can our lives reflect the joy 
        we have in the hope of the glory 
        of God?

✞   Faith in Christ changes a person's 
      relationship with God.
     * Why might we try to prove ourselves 
        to God by means other than faith? 

✞   Faith in Christ changes a person's 
     actions for God.  
     * How is saving faith different from 
        the belief the demons have in God?

Saturday, May 20, 2023

week of 5/21

 Unit 21  Session 3



Jesus called His followers to exercise faith in Him in such a way that they would draw others to place their faith in Christ as well.

Jesus is on the move. On the heels of Jesus' Capernaum declaration that He must go to other towns, the backdrop of His ministry has turned to the seaside. People are still pursuing Him, but the winds of the crowds seem to have changed from an affinity toward sensationalism to an eager desire to learn more about God and the purpose of Jesus. From the banks of the sea, He will perform another miracle, but this one will be in the context of everyday life. Jesus not only has the power over demons and disease, He can also direct creatures of the sea and the eternal trajectory of souls.

Points to consider:

   Disciples are called to act in faith.
     * When we obey God, what is that 
        saying about our understanding 
        of Him?

✞   Disciples are stirred to confess in faith.
     * What are some reasons we have 
        to trust the wisdom of God and 
        obey His commands?
     *Why would encountering holiness 
       cause us to see our sin more clearly?

✞   Disciples are invited to follow in faith.  
     * What are some ways believers 
        participate in the mission of 
        catching people with the gospel?

Friday, May 12, 2023

week of 5/14

Unit 21  Session 2



Jesus' power over evil and sickness showed people that He is the Messiah, the One Who had come to usher in God's kingdom.

In contrasting the rejection of Jesus in His hometown with the events that followed later in Capernaum, Luke purposely drew a comparison between these two narratives.Though the Nazarenes demanded Jesus give them a miraculous sign, He responded with a rebuke. But in Capernaum, Jesus provided several displays of His power. Though we may not always know why Jesus worked one way in one place and worked another way elsewhere, we can trust that He is omniscient omnipotent, sovereign, and perfectly working out His will to do the will of His Father.

Points to consider:

   Jesus' powerful teaching prompts astonishment.
     * How should we balance strategy with faith in 
        and dependence on the Holy Spirit in our 
        ministry efforts?
     * What does it mean to teach with authority today?

✞   Jesus' power over unclean spirits fuels amazement.
     * Why might we struggle to recognize the work of
        demons today?
     *What does it say about us when we don't obey 
       God's command?

✞   Jesus' proclamation of the gospel reveals His mission.  
     * How did the actions of Christ reveal His mission?

Monday, May 1, 2023

week of 5/7

Unit 21  Session 1



Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah Who came to bring good news to all people.

With a view toward presenting proof of messiahship, Luke presented an orderly account of the life of Jesus through his Gospel. Filled with connections to the Old Testament, the Gospel of Luke recounts the power of Jesus, the Christ, and affirms the prophecies fulfilled in the events that unfolded throughout His life. Jesus began His public ministry in the insignificant village of Nazareth, His hometown. Here an incredible moment occurred. Jesus attended a local synagogue service, as He had many times before. But in this particular service, Jesus, the son of Mary and Joseph, would claim to be the long-awaited Savior and turn this small town on its head.

Points to consider:

   Jesus is the Messiah bringing good news to Israel.
     * What characteristics of our triune God are 
        reflected in this passage?
     * If Jesus fulfills God's ultimate promise and 
        purpose, how should we view our salvation 
        through Christ?

✞   Jesus is the Prophet bringing grace to the world.
     * What are some reasons why people might refuse 
        to listen to God's mouthpieces?
     *How would you describe the relationship between 
       saving faith and works?

✞   Jesus is the Son experiencing rejection by His own.  
     * Why is admitting our sin so hard to do? 

week of 4/30

 Unit 20  Session 3



God, Who in His essence is love, has called on people to love one another according to His love for them.

In his letter known as 1 John, the apostle John, one of Jesus' disciples, exhorted his readers to be on guard against false prophets. His readers must not be caught up in worldly errors but know "the Spirit of truth" (1 John 4:6). John then went on to point his readers to the importance of love in their relationships with  one another. This love is rooted in the love of God for His people. Knowing "the Spirit of truth" should lead to love that looks like God's love for us. Our love for our fellow Christians is rooted in the gospel. Belief in the gospel should lead to love for other believers and for the whole world.

Points to consider:

   The Nature of Love
     * How does the Bible's description 
        of love contrast with the world's 
        view of love?
     * What are some ways people can 
        misunderstand God's love?

✞   The Primacy of Love
     * Why do you think we find it 
        difficult to love others?

✞   The Character of Love  
     * Paul's list is not exhaustive in 
        terms of what love is or is not. 
        What would you add to the list?
     * What can you do to help you 
        love better?