Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Sunday, August 27, 2023

week of 8/27

 Unit 24  Session 3



Believers are to have nothing to do with evil powers of the  world and their fruit but are to share the one true gospel with the people of the world.

The world will say truth is one thing and Jesus will say truth is another. Jesus taught that He is the truth (John 14:6) and that His Word is truth (John 17:17). But the world and Satan's forces will try to tempt us toward their false truths. As disciples of Christ, we are to resist these temptations by holding onto the truth of God, living and proclaiming the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Points to consider:

   We are to resist the powers of the world.
     * In what areas is Satan currently 
       "attacking" Christians and the church?
     * What are some ways we can use God's 
        armor well on a daily basis?

✞   We are to reject the things of the world.
     * How can Christians keep themselves 
        from falling in love with worldly things?

✞   We are to proclaim Jesus to the world.
     * In what ways does sin affect a person?
     * Why should Christians share the gospel 
        even if many will reject it?

Saturday, August 19, 2023

week of 8/20

Unit 24  Session 2


JOHN 11 

In the raising of Lazarus, Jesus revealed that He has the power over life and death, both physically and spiritually.

The Gospel of John is often considered the most evangelistic Gospel in the New Testament. John explicitly stated the evangelistic nature of his Gospel toward the end of the book, stating how Jesus did many other signs unmentioned in his writing, but that the signs written were to help people believe Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God that they might have life (John 20:30-30). John 11:1-46 records the final, climactic sign that Jesus performs - the raising of Lazarus from the dead.

Points to consider:

   The Messiah brings life from death.
     * How can Christians cling to Jesus 
        Christ in the midst of difficult 
        circumstances and situations?
     * What are some reasons Christians 
        should trust Christ to give them 
        eternal life?

✞   The Messiah brings glory from grief.
     * How can Christians display 
        compassion and help others who 
        are struggling with grief?
     * What are some other ways God has 
        made His glory known?

✞   The Messiah brings salvation from rejection.
     * Why might someone reject Jesus as 
        the resurrection and the life?

Saturday, August 12, 2023

week of 8/13

Unit 24  Session 1



Jesus taught that entrance into His kingdom is difficult and only comes through Him.

The Gospel of Luke is a literary masterpiece, beautifully depicting the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. The climax of Luke's Gospel is the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, but the heart is the "travel narrative" (Luke 9:51-19:27), where Jesus set His face to go to Jerusalem (Luke 9:51). While journeying from Galilee to Jerusalem, Jesus performed miracles and taught about the kingdom of God and the way of salvation. In Luke 13:22-35, Jesus portrayed Himself as the narrow door of salvation who saves sinners through His sacrificial death and victorious resurrection, which would be accomplished in Jerusalem.

Points to consider:

   The Narrow Door
     * Why do people seem to bristle at "exclusivity" - 
        the Biblical claim that Jesus is the only way to 

✞   The Coming Death
     * What are some ways obedience to God's mission 
        might lead to opposition for Christians?
     * How can Christians take comfort in the truth that 
        God is in control of everything?

✞   The Future Adoration
     * What are some ways people reject God's compassion?
     * How does the gospel and the coming of Christ 
        give us hope?

Saturday, August 5, 2023

week of 8/6

Unit 23  Session 5



God's kingdom is present today and will be established in full when Christ returns.

Sometimes we can wonder when things are ever going to change. If Jesus' disciples live according to the values, norms, and conditions of the kingdom, and if they are going to the lost with the good news, then when will the arrival of the kingdom come? Shouldn't we see a more dramatic impact than what is going on today? Since the kingdom is going to come differently than expected (Matthew 13), Jesus prepares us for the arrival of the kingdom as both already among us and not yet fully here.

Points to consider:

   Christ's followers recognize that God's kingdom 
     is here in part.
     * In what ways do you long for the kingdom 
        of God? 

✞   Christ's followers anticipate that God's kingdom 
     is coming in full.
     * What are some helpful ways people have 
        speculated about Christ's return?
     * How are you working as you actively wait 
        for Christ's return?

✞   Christ's followers work for God's kingdom to be 
     known by all.
     * What are the marks of a faithful and wise 
        servant who follows Christ?
     * Why is it easy for some to think Christ won't 
        come back in their lifetime?