Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Sunday, January 30, 2022

week of 1/30

 Unit 5 Session 5



The Old Testament sacrifices showed God, and others, His people's
commitment, gratitude, and confession of sin.

When the Israelites left Egypt, God spoke to Moses and gave him
instructions for His people. God set up the tabernacle so He could
dwell with His people as He reminded them of His holiness, for-
giveness, and presence. He also gave them specific instructions
for the sacrificial system with its various offerings so they
could worship Him, remaining close with Him in their covenantal
relationship. Through the sacrificial system laid out in the law,
God's people showed their commitment, gratitude, and confession
of sin through worship.
Points to consider:

   The sacrifices showed dedication to God.
     * Why would God require an unblemished
        animal to atone for sin?

✞   The sacrifices showed thankfulness to God.
     * What are some ways to remember God's
        provision in our lives so we can be

✞   The sacrifices showed confession to God.
     * Why should confession be a part of our
      worship to God?

Sunday, January 23, 2022

week of 1/23

Unit 5 Session 4


EXODUS 25 - 31 ; 35-40

God desires to be with His people and declares to the wold that He has made a
way for sinners to be forgiven and made holy.

After pleading with God to have mercy upon the people of Israel for their
sin of idolatry, God promised to be with Moses and the Israelites. Yet
restoration of the covenant would involve obedience to God's commands.
While on the mountain, the Lord had given Moses detailed instructions on
the construction of the tabernacle, its furniture, and the garments for the
priests who would serve there. The tabernacle would be the portable tent
where God would dwell in the midst of His people. After spending over half
a year building God's dwelling place, the tabernacle was set up and 
consecrated for worship.
Points to consider:

   Worship of God centers on His holiness.
     * What are some ways we celebrate and 
        remember the Lord's salvation?
     * Since God is holy and pure, how should
        this affect our worship?

✞   Worship of God centers on His forgiveness.
     * How should the Lord's choice of Aaron as
        a priest encourage us?

✞   Worship of God centers on His presence.
     * What are some ways we are hindered
        from worshiping in the presence of God?

Saturday, January 15, 2022

week of 1/16

Unit 5 Session 3


EXODUS 32 - 34

God judges idol-worshipers for giving the worship due Him to something
or someone else, but He also offers grace.

After the Israelites arrived at Mount Sinai and had prepared themselves,
God spoke His Ten Commandments to them directly. This frightened the
people, and they requested that Moses speak to them for God. So Moses
climbed up Mount Sinai twice, entering the burning darkness of God's
glorious presence. His second ascent lasted forty days and nights as the
Lord gave him His law and the tablets containing the Ten Commandments
for the people of Israel. But in Moses' absence, the Israelites grew rest-
less and forgetful.
Points to consider:

   Idol-worshipers distort the worship of God.
     * Does the quickness of the people's rebellion
        against God surprise you? Why or why not?
     * How does the true worship of God protect us
        from distorted lives?

✞   Idol-worshipers deserve the judgment of God.
     * How have you seen prayers for God's glory 
        and the salvation of sinners be answered?

✞   Idol-worshipers depend on the grace of God.
     * How does God's self-revelation here compare 
        with the life and ministry of Jesus Christ?

Saturday, January 8, 2022

week of 1/9

Unit 5 Session 2


EXODUS 19 - 20

God's law reveals who He is and how to live faithfully with Him and one

By the deliverance of the Lord, Moses led God's people out of the land
of slavery, bringing them through the Red Sea and destroying the
Egyptians who were chasing them. Then they entered the wilderness,
where God tested them and provided for them. All the while, He was
leading the to Mount Sinai, or Horeb, the mountain where God first
appeared to Moses in the burning bush. Their arrival was a fulfillment
of the Lord's promise to be with Moses (Ex 3:12). At this holy mountain,
the Israelites would worship the Lord Who had saved them. 
Points to consider:

   God gave the law to show His love.
     * Why should God's love for us motivate our

✞   God gave the law to show how to love Him.
     * What are ways we might be guilty of making
        and worshiping idols?
     * What are some reasons we struggle to rest in
        honor of God?

✞   God gave the law to show how to love one another.
     * What are some ways obeying the Ten 
        Commandments displays God's character
        to the world?

Saturday, January 1, 2022

week of 1/2

 Unit 5 Session 1


EXODUS 15:22 - 17:16

The Lord provides for His people even when they are undeserving.

God brought His people out of the slavery of Egypt and through the Red 
Sea by His mighty hand, simultaneously crushing the Egyptian army.
This omnipotent God displayed His goodness by saving Israel in keeping
with His covenant to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Now on the other side
of the Red Sea, they were in the wilderness, and they quickly found them-
selves in need of resources. Israel was tested as their water and food
supplies ran low. Israel would need to trust in the God Who saved them,
but they were also tempted to grumble against that same God.
Points to consider:

   The Lord's provision tests His people's obedience.
     * Why is the root of all grumbling ultimately a
        complaint about God?
     * Why does obedience to God matter so much?

✞   The Lord's provision continues despite His people's
     * How have you experienced God's undeserved

✞   The Lord's provision is gracious in response to His
      people's demands.
     * What do we reveal about our hearts in our