Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, August 3, 2024

week of 8/4

Unit 35  Session 6



Christ is exalted when His people allow the Spirit to work through them as they pursue the things of Heaven rather than earth.

The Greek city of Philippi is the first town in Europe where Paul established a church (Acts 16:12-40), so we can imagine the fatherly care and loving concern he always held for people in this congregation. But his letter to the Philippians was composed when Paul was a prisoner in Rome. Like any good sermon - and this was most certainly a sermon in writing - Paul included elements of encouragement, thankfulness, information, and warning.

Points to consider:

   Christ's exaltation comes through 
     the work of the Spirit.
     * What false teachings today may 
        make us stray from exalting and 
        boasting in Christ alone?
     * How do we make sure we are 
       boasting in Christ and Christ alone?

✞   Christ's exaltation comes through 
     the losses of the world.
     * What are some things we need 
        to see as losses compared to the 
        surpassing value of knowing 
        Jesus Christ?
     * How would you write your 
        spiritual life goal?

✞   Christ's exaltation comes through 
     the promises of Heaven.
     * How can we find encouragement in
        knowing that Paul hadn't reached 
        his goal yet at this stage of his life?
     * What kind of faith life would invite 
        others to imitate it?

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