Unit 36 Session 1
The risen Jesus is worthy of worship because He has conquered sin and death.
The book of Revelation is the most vivid description of the victorious, resurrected Christ. John, the brother of James and author of several New Testament books, received a vision from God that captured the essence of the eternal dwelling of Christ and His people. As the nature of the content suggests, this book is filled with themes and images that are often difficult for the modern reader to grasp. It's important for readers to distinguish between the essential themes of the book and those secondary topics that are up for debate among Christians. Revelation 4-5 presents the main theme of the entire book - the resurrected Christ is worthy of worship!
Points to consider:
✞ Worthy is the King Who has created.
* What crowns might you need to
lay aside in order to worship
Jesus properly?
* How can we try to convince
others that Christ is worth
our worship?
✞ Worthy is the Lion Who has conquered.
* What is something you seek
to keep securely sealed or
locked, and why?
* What does Jesus' ability to
open the scroll tell us
about Him?
✞ Worthy is the Lamb Who was resurrected.
* When you think of Jesus, do
you think Him more as a
Lion or a Lamb, and why?
* If you were to write a new
worship song, what
elements would be in it?
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