Unit 36 Session 2
Jesus will return one day to receive His bride, the church, and to end sin and death once and for all.
The worship that filled the first portion of the book of Revelation continued to overflow to the end. John's vision captured the heavenly worship that is taking place now and will take place in the future. Along the way, John highlighted the nature of Jesus' return, the fate of God's people, and the future for those who reject Jesus' offer of salvation.
Points to consider:
✞ The Lord is coming again to
receive His bride.
* How is Jesus' return like a
marriage celebration?
* How can you praise God
for inviting you?
✞ The Lord is coming again to
crush all rebellion.
* How does Jesus' justice
encourage you?
* How can you see Jesus
as a warrior more?
✞ The Lord is coming again to
judge sin and death.
* What makes the concept
of judgment difficult?
* How should a believer
respond to the thought
of Heaven and why?
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