Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, August 31, 2024

week of 9/1

Unit 01  Session 1


gENESIS 2:7, 15-25


Key Concept:
God created humanity for relationships.

In the beginning, in Genesis 1, God created the heavens and the earth. In six days, God created the domains of the sky, sea, and land and filled them with lights and living creatures. But for all the wonder of the created world around us and the universe beyond us, the Lord made human beings as the pinnacle of His creation. We were created, both male and female, uniquely in the image of God. The world was created for humanity and humanity for the world, a realm to steward together in God's name. And God declared it all to be "very good" in His sight. In Genesis 2, the Scripture zooms in on the creation of the man and woman God made in His image.

As you examine Genesis 2:7, 15-25:

   Identify how we ought to relate to God and others because of how God created humanity.
✞   Contemplate the changes that ought to occur in your life if you believe in the Bible's 
    account of the creation of humanity.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

week of 8/25

Unit 36  Session 3



When Jesus returns, He will renew all of creation and live with His people forevermore.

Amid all of the descriptions of judgment, it's easy to lose sight of the marvelous blessings of God's people found throughout the Book of Revelation. Sinners will be judged, but saints - those saved through faith in Jesus' work on the Cross - will be saved. Not only will they be saved, but they will inherit an eternal dwelling place that far surpasses the beauty of this earth primarily because sin, death, and pain will never be found there.

Points to consider:

   The Lord is coming again to 
      renew His creation.
     * What are you most looking 
        forward to in the new 
        Heaven and earth?
     * How can we also be in the 
        business of renewing and 
        restoring in this life?

✞   The Lord is coming again to 
      reveal His glory.
     * How is God dwelling within 
        us without a temple appealing?
     * Whether light is literal or 
        figurative or both, how is 
        living in constant light appealing?

✞   The Lord is coming again to 
      reside with His people.
     * What do you imagine you will 
        spend your time doing in Heaven?
     * How is your longing to see Christ 
        face to face and eternally 
        reflected in your life?

Sunday, August 18, 2024

week of 8/18

Unit 36  Session 2



Jesus will return one day to receive His bride, the church, and to end sin and death once and for all.

The worship that filled the first portion of the book of Revelation continued to overflow to the end. John's vision captured the heavenly worship that is taking place now and will take place in the future. Along the way, John highlighted the nature of Jesus' return, the fate of God's people, and the future for those who reject Jesus' offer of salvation.

Points to consider:

   The Lord is coming again to 
      receive His bride.
     * How is Jesus' return like a 
        marriage celebration?
     * How can you praise God 
        for inviting you?

✞   The Lord is coming again to 
      crush all rebellion.
     * How does Jesus' justice 
        encourage you?
     * How can you see Jesus 
        as a warrior more?

✞   The Lord is coming again to 
      judge sin and death.
     * What makes the concept 
        of judgment difficult?
     * How should a believer 
        respond to the thought 
        of Heaven and why?

Saturday, August 10, 2024

week of 8/11

Unit 36  Session 1



The risen Jesus is worthy of worship because He has conquered sin and death.

The book of Revelation is the most vivid description of the victorious, resurrected Christ. John, the brother of James and author of several New Testament books, received a vision from God that captured the essence of the eternal dwelling of Christ and His people. As the nature of the content suggests, this book is filled with themes and images that are often difficult for the modern reader to grasp. It's important for readers to distinguish between the essential themes of the book and those secondary topics that are up for debate among Christians. Revelation 4-5 presents the main theme of the entire book - the resurrected Christ is worthy of worship!

Points to consider:

   Worthy is the King Who has created.
     * What crowns might you need to 
        lay aside in order to worship 
        Jesus properly?
     * How can we try to convince 
        others that Christ is worth 
        our worship?

✞   Worthy is the Lion Who has conquered.
     * What is something you seek 
        to keep securely sealed or 
        locked, and why?
     * What does Jesus' ability to 
        open the scroll tell us 
        about Him?

✞   Worthy is the Lamb Who was resurrected.
     * When you think of Jesus, do 
        you think Him more as a 
        Lion or a Lamb, and why?
     * If you were to write a new 
        worship song, what 
        elements would be in it?

Saturday, August 3, 2024

week of 8/4

Unit 35  Session 6



Christ is exalted when His people allow the Spirit to work through them as they pursue the things of Heaven rather than earth.

The Greek city of Philippi is the first town in Europe where Paul established a church (Acts 16:12-40), so we can imagine the fatherly care and loving concern he always held for people in this congregation. But his letter to the Philippians was composed when Paul was a prisoner in Rome. Like any good sermon - and this was most certainly a sermon in writing - Paul included elements of encouragement, thankfulness, information, and warning.

Points to consider:

   Christ's exaltation comes through 
     the work of the Spirit.
     * What false teachings today may 
        make us stray from exalting and 
        boasting in Christ alone?
     * How do we make sure we are 
       boasting in Christ and Christ alone?

✞   Christ's exaltation comes through 
     the losses of the world.
     * What are some things we need 
        to see as losses compared to the 
        surpassing value of knowing 
        Jesus Christ?
     * How would you write your 
        spiritual life goal?

✞   Christ's exaltation comes through 
     the promises of Heaven.
     * How can we find encouragement in
        knowing that Paul hadn't reached 
        his goal yet at this stage of his life?
     * What kind of faith life would invite 
        others to imitate it?