Unit 13 Session 5
ISAIAH 44 - 46
Idolatry is a rebellion against God, born in the hearts of people when they worship parts of creation rather than the Creator.
Isaiah prophesied during a relatively good time for the Southern Kingdom of Judah, but the Northern Kingdom of Israel was in its death spiral leading to their eventual fall to Assyria. Still, idolatry remained a struggle for both kingdoms in varying degrees until both met their demise in exile as God's punishment. One place Isaiah addressed this issue was a portion of his prophetic book aimed ahead to a time after the people had been deported to pagan lands. Through Isaiah, the Lord made the case that idols, whether local or abroad, were nothing but a dead distraction from the one true God.
Points to consider:
✞ Idolatry begins by rejecting God.
* Why do people, even believers, succumb
to the temptation of idolatry?
✞ Idolatry leads to a futile religion.
* How has the Lord been your Rock?
* Why must we remember that every act
in service to an idol is ultimately futile?
✞ Idolatry results in foolishness.
* What are some of the empty promises
of idols that only God can fulfill?
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