Unit 14 Session 1
2 KINGS 11 - 12 ; 2 CHRONICLES 22 - 24
Faithfulness is proven over the long-term, and later lapses of faithfulness will be judged.
Ahab, king of Israel, and his wife, Jezebel, brought great wickedness and idolatry into the land, leading their people far astray from the one true God. And Ahab's influence spread to Judah when his daughter, Athaliah, married Jehoram, the king of Judah. Through the word of Elisha, a general from Israel named Jehu brought judgment upon all the house of Ahab, killing the wicked kings of both kingdoms who were descended from him. The power vacuum in Judah was quickly and violently filled by Athaliah, the queen mother, but even she did not escape God's judgment and was replaced by the rightful king, Joash.
Points to consider:
✞ A faithful king restores the proper worship of God.
* What are some excuses people might have for
delaying spiritual restoration in their lives and
✞ A forgetful king reverts to the worship of idols.
* What are some things we can do to avoid the
wayward path Joash took with his life?
✞ A fallen king receives the judgment of God.
* What does God's response to Joash's rebellion
teach us about God's character?
* What should a life of faithfulness look like for
a believer in Jesus Christ?
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