Unit 14 Session 2
ISAIAH 13 - 31
The Lord seeks to show mercy and compassion even to His disobedient people.
God's people always had a tough time obeying. Faithfulness should have marked their lives, but often rebellion was the major key. How did God respond? Did He throw them out and bind Himself to another group of people? By no means! God remains faithful though His people are faithless. God remains true though His people stray. God is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in faithful love and truth, staying true to a thousand generations of sinful men and women who love Him. God is just and true, and He is loving and merciful, but He does correct and judge - all to bring us to repentance.
Points to consider:
✞ The Lord will be vindicated in judging iniquity.
* Why might we find it so hard to abandon
our self-reliance and trust God alone?
✞ The Lord will be praised for judging iniquity.
* Why should the promise and fulfillment of
God's judgment cause people to worship
the Lord?
✞ The Lord will be merciful after judging iniquity.
* What does it mean to wait for the Lord?
* How has God's mercy changed the way you
live and see the world?
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