Unit 21 Session 2
Jesus' power over evil and sickness showed people that He is the Messiah, the One Who had come to usher in God's kingdom.
In contrasting the rejection of Jesus in His hometown with the events that followed later in Capernaum, Luke purposely drew a comparison between these two narratives.Though the Nazarenes demanded Jesus give them a miraculous sign, He responded with a rebuke. But in Capernaum, Jesus provided several displays of His power. Though we may not always know why Jesus worked one way in one place and worked another way elsewhere, we can trust that He is omniscient omnipotent, sovereign, and perfectly working out His will to do the will of His Father.
Points to consider:
✞ Jesus' powerful teaching prompts astonishment.
* How should we balance strategy with faith in
and dependence on the Holy Spirit in our
ministry efforts?
* What does it mean to teach with authority today?
✞ Jesus' power over unclean spirits fuels amazement.
* Why might we struggle to recognize the work of
demons today?
*What does it say about us when we don't obey
God's command?
✞ Jesus' proclamation of the gospel reveals His mission.
* How did the actions of Christ reveal His mission?
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