Unit 20 Session 3
God, Who in His essence is love, has called on people to love one another according to His love for them.
In his letter known as 1 John, the apostle John, one of Jesus' disciples, exhorted his readers to be on guard against false prophets. His readers must not be caught up in worldly errors but know "the Spirit of truth" (1 John 4:6). John then went on to point his readers to the importance of love in their relationships with one another. This love is rooted in the love of God for His people. Knowing "the Spirit of truth" should lead to love that looks like God's love for us. Our love for our fellow Christians is rooted in the gospel. Belief in the gospel should lead to love for other believers and for the whole world.
Points to consider:
✞ The Nature of Love
* How does the Bible's description
of love contrast with the world's
view of love?
* What are some ways people can
misunderstand God's love?
✞ The Primacy of Love
* Why do you think we find it
difficult to love others?
✞ The Character of Love
* Paul's list is not exhaustive in
terms of what love is or is not.
What would you add to the list?
* What can you do to help you
love better?
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