Unit 2 Session 1
Adam and Eve's transgression of God's commandresulted in dire consequences, both short-term andlong-term, for them and all of humanity.
God's creation was good (Gen. 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25), and with the addition
of the first man and woman, and it was good (v. 31). This couple resided
in the garden of Eden, a glorious paradise for our first ancestors to tend
and grow as they walked in communion with their glorious Creator. But
then evil slithered into the garden of Eden and set off a chain of events
that has affected humanity's experience with creation and the Creator
to this day.
Points to consider:
✞ Sin is transgressing God's commands.
* How do temptation and sin relate to doubts about
God and His Word?
✞ Sin brings shame and harm.
* What are some ways we try to cover up and run
from our sin and shame?
✞ Sin comes with a great cost.
* What are some ways people experience the cost of
sin in their lives?
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