Unit 2 Session 2
After the first transgression, sin and its consequencesspread rapidly throughout all people.
Sin began its tragic, virulent spread the moment Adam and Eve took and
ate. In consequence for their transgression, God condemned our first
parents to exile and death, among other curses related to the fall. Still,
God graciously gave new life through children. Adam and Eve's family
made a life east of Eden, multiplying in number but sadly also in trans-
gression. The curse of sin and death impacts every generation, but the
promise of an offspring to crush the serpent's head and bring salvation
still remains.
Points to consider:
✞ Transgression spread throughout the generations.
* What do you see in these verses that shows the
effects of sin in the world?
✞ Wickedness spread throughout the generations.
* What are some ways we have experienced God's
grace through people fulfilling God's cultural
✞ Death spread throughout the generations.
* Why might death cause us to question the
faithfulness of God?
* How have you seen God prove Himself faithful
even through seemingly impossible circumstances?
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