Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Friday, October 29, 2021

week of 10/31

  Unit 3 Session 1


GENESIS 11:10-20:18

God established a covenant people through whom He 
promised to bring blessing.

At this point, the world looked bleak. The people of the earth are still
sinful, even after the flood of God's judgment. And now, after Babylon
(or Babel), the people of the world are scattered and unable to
communicate in a unified language. Will God's image-bearers ever
be unified again, or will sin and judgment separate and destroy what
God made very good? Enter Abram, a man whom God chose to receive
a promise to answer this very question.

Points to consider:

   God chooses to work through unlikely people.
     * Why does God often choose unlikely people to 
        carry out His plans?
     * What are some ways God has used impossible
        circumstances in your life to bring Himself 

✞   God promises a new people through Abram.
     * What are some things God has called you to
        leave behind in order to obey Him in faith?

✞   God uses imperfect people.
     * How can we, as imperfect people, grow in
        faith and believe that God will keep His
        promises to us?

Saturday, October 23, 2021

week of 10/23

 Unit 2 Session 4


GENESIS 10:1-11:9 ; Isaiah 65:1-7

Rebellion against God and His ways is in the heart of all
people; however, God's grace is greater than all our sin.

The pristine setting of Eden's garden is already a distant memory by
the time we arrive in Genesis 10-11. The first act of human rebellion
in Genesis 3 paved the way for countless more, and not even a world-
wide flood could scrub the wickedness from our hearts. In Genesis 10-11,
as Noah's offspring multiply on the face of the earth, they too turned
away from worshiping and obeying God. Seeking to ascend to God,
humanity repeats the folly of their first parents and rebels against God-
a case study for the doctrine of sin as rebellion.

Points to consider:

   Rebellious hearts seek to violate God's commands.
     * Why might a common language contribute to 
        multiplying expressions of human sinfulness
        after the Fall?
     * What are some implications of sin being a heart
        issue and not just a hands issue?

✞   Rebellious hearts seek to rob God's glory.
     * What are some ways we might "make a name
        for ourselves" in rebellion against God?

✞   Rebellious hearts seek to live other than God's way.
     * How can we turn from the path of rebellion and
        instead walk the road that leads to life?

Saturday, October 9, 2021

week of 10/10

Unit 2 Session 3



God is righteoous to judge sin, but He is also gracious to 
provide a way of salvation.

Once upon a time, God saw all that He had made and called it good. Then
God saw what His creatures did and called it evil. The first sin involved
disbelieving the judgment of God was real. Now just a few chapters later,
judgment comes. God's judgment, however, is not an end to all things. In
His gracious hands, judgment becomes the means of salvation.

Points to consider:

   God declares that wickedness will bring judgment.
     * How does the world's understanding of sin
        differ from the way the Bible treats it?

✞   God offers grace as the means to escape judgment.
     * What would it look like to "walk with God"?

✞   God provides salvation through judgment.
     * How would you respond to someone who said
        a worldwide flood would be overkill to address
        the problem of wickedness on the earth?
     * How does this true account of the flood help
        to prepare us for the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Friday, October 1, 2021

week of 10/3

  Unit 2 Session 2



After the first transgression, sin and its consequences
spread rapidly throughout all people.

Sin began its tragic, virulent spread the moment Adam and Eve took and
ate. In consequence for their transgression, God condemned our first
parents to exile and death, among other curses related to the fall. Still,
God graciously gave new life through children. Adam and Eve's family 
made a life east of Eden, multiplying in number but sadly also in trans-
gression. The curse of sin and death impacts every generation, but the
promise of an offspring to crush the serpent's head and bring salvation
still remains.

Points to consider:

   Transgression spread throughout the generations.
     * What do you see in these verses that shows the
        effects of sin in the world?

✞   Wickedness spread throughout the generations.
     * What are some ways we have experienced God's
        grace through people fulfilling God's cultural

✞   Death spread throughout the generations. 
     * Why might death cause us to question the 
        faithfulness of God?
     * How have you seen God prove Himself faithful
        even through seemingly impossible circumstances?

week of 9/26

 Unit 2 Session 1



Adam and Eve's transgression of God's command
resulted in dire consequences, both short-term and
long-term, for them and all of humanity.

God's creation was good (Gen. 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25), and with the addition
of the first man and woman, and it was good (v. 31). This couple resided
in the garden of Eden, a glorious paradise for our first ancestors to tend
and grow as they walked in communion with their glorious Creator. But
then evil slithered into the garden of Eden and set off a chain of events
that has affected humanity's experience with creation and the Creator
to this day.

Points to consider:

   Sin is transgressing God's commands.
     * How do temptation and sin relate to doubts about
        God and His Word?

✞   Sin brings shame and harm.
     * What are some ways we try to cover up and run
        from our sin and shame?

✞   Sin comes with a great cost.
     * What are some ways people experience the cost of
        sin in their lives?