Unit 3 Session 1
GENESIS 11:10-20:18
God established a covenant people through whom He promised to bring blessing.
At this point, the world looked bleak. The people of the earth are still
sinful, even after the flood of God's judgment. And now, after Babylon
(or Babel), the people of the world are scattered and unable to
communicate in a unified language. Will God's image-bearers ever
be unified again, or will sin and judgment separate and destroy what
God made very good? Enter Abram, a man whom God chose to receive
a promise to answer this very question.
Points to consider:
✞ God chooses to work through unlikely people.
* Why does God often choose unlikely people to
carry out His plans?
* What are some ways God has used impossible
circumstances in your life to bring Himself
✞ God promises a new people through Abram.
* What are some things God has called you to
leave behind in order to obey Him in faith?
✞ God uses imperfect people.
* How can we, as imperfect people, grow in
faith and believe that God will keep His
promises to us?