Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, June 8, 2024

week of 6/2

Unit 34 Session 1



When questions arose about the Gospel, the early church gathered to clarify that justification is through faith alone, affirming a core doctrine that unites all of God's people.

As the church grew, people from non-Jewish backgrounds were coming to faith in Jesus Christ. At first, Cornelius believed under Peter's ministry. Then persecution caused believers to scatter and bring the gospel to Hellenists (Acts 11:20-21). Then Paul and Barnabas brought the gospel from Antioch throughout Asia Minor. Now the church had to deal with an important question: do you first have to become Jewish to follow Jesus? This question created a great conflict among believers who wanted to be faithful to the Bible.

Points to consider:

   The church experiences division 
     in applying the Gospel.
     * What types of works do 
        people add to the Gospel?
     * How do you guard yourself 
        from adding to the Gospel?

✞   The church exercises wisdom 
     in affirming the Gospel.
     * How does God's grace work 
        so that we might believe 
        the Gospel?
     * How do we help others grow 
        in Christ without burdening 

✞   The church encourages unity 
     in advancing the Gospel.
     * What steps can you take 
        to stand for Gospel unity?
     * How can we encourage 
        others toward more unity?

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