Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, June 29, 2024

week of 7/7

Unit 35 Session 2


ACTS 22-23

When Paul faced great danger in prison, the Lord strengthened him with His presence and protected him through His providential works.

In Jerusalem, a riot had broken out because of Paul. With an impassioned plea, Paul silenced his enemies with his testimony. But everything fell apart with the mention of the word "Gentiles". Now the Jews and Romans had a big problem on their hands: Paul's testimony. The Jews wanted him dead, and the Romans wanted to know what had caused such an uproar.

Points to consider:

   God's people are opposed for 
     proclaiming the resurrection.
     * When others attack us, 
        what example does Paul 
        set for us?
     * How does Paul's statement 
        about the resurrection guide 
        us in our own foundation 
        of faith?

✞   God's people are strengthened 
     by His presence.
     * What attributes of God can 
        we hold on to when we find 
        ourselves in chaotic or 
        dire situations?
     * How can we be assured 
        that Jesus is always with us?

✞   God's people are protected 
     through His providence. 
     * How does knowing God 
        protects His people and 
        is powerful enough to do 
        so affect your prayers?
     * How does this passage 
        illustrate how we should 
        trust in God's providence?

Sunday, June 23, 2024

week of 6/30

Unit 35 Session 1


ACTS 20-22

Paul followed the Holy Spirit's guidance to return to Jerusalem and trusted in the Lord no matter the danger he faced.

Paul performed mighty miracles and revealed God's power to the believers in Ephesus (Acts 19:11-20), but that led to unwanted attention and a riot. Paul encouraged the Ephesians and then made a three-month sweep through the churches in Macedonia, encouraging them as well (20:1-6). After sailing through churches in the Mediterranean, hopping between islands, Paul chose to sail past Ephesus because he was hoping to return to Jerusalem for the day of Pentecost (20:16).

Points to consider:

   Following the Spirit requires 
     holding an eternal perspective.
     * How do you see the Holy Spirit 
        active in the believer's life?
     * In what ways has God called 
        you to His service to testify to 
        His grace?

✞   Following the Spirit requires 
     trusting the Lord's will.
     * Where do you turn in the Bible 
        when you come face to face 
        with bad news?
     * How do we keep Paul's outlook 
        on God's will, choosing to live 
        obediently in the face of danger?

✞   Following the Spirit requires 
     proclaiming Jesus boldly.
     * How has God worked in your life 
        where your testimony has shaped 
        your current ministry opportunities?
     * What part of your identity can 
        seem to be prioritized above your 
        identity as an ambassador of 
        Jesus and why?

Saturday, June 15, 2024

week of 6/16

Unit 34 Session 3


ACTS 18-19

As its missionary efforts continued, the church sought to protect its doctrine and demonstrate the power of the gospel through righteous living so that others might trust in Christ.

As the early church continued to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth, they encountered various challenges. News of the Jerusalem Council was only one part of the message that needed to be heard; some disciples had not yet heard all of the information and did not understand how God's redeeming work came about. As a result, the church had to encourage godly leaders in the full understanding of the Gospel, correct those who were in ignorance and error, and promote godly living.

Points to consider:

   The church stands behind godly leadership.
     * How should we distinguish between
        false teaching and ignorance?
     * How can we grow in our effectiveness 
        in proclaiming Christ?

✞   The church contends for correct doctrine.
     * What methods can we use to help 
        people discern their spiritual state?
     * What can you do to be a part of 
        building up the body for further ministry?

✞   The church prevails through righteous living.
     * What other types of wisdom do people 
        turn to today that are inferior to Scripture?
     * In what ways have you experienced the 
        power of God's Word in your life?

Saturday, June 8, 2024

week of 6/9

Unit 34 Session 2



When Paul encountered opposition on his second missionary journey, he did not allow it to stop the spread of the Gospel but rather found new opportunities to proclaim the risen Christ.

After the Jerusalem Council, Paul and his traveling companions took the Gospel throughout the Mediterranean to other Jews and Gentiles who had yet to hear of Christ. As they faced opposition, they would move on to another community while seeking to establish believers in the truth of the Gospel. The conflicts Paul faced did not stop him from proclaiming Christ but only motivated him to continue to bring the good news to others who would hear and believe.

Points to consider:

   The Gospel is explained to those 
     who are eager.
     * How can we be like the Bereans?
     * How can we minister to others 
        with the Word?

✞   The Gospel is defended to those  
     who are skeptical.
     * What methods should we use 
        to reason with people who 
        have questions about the 
        Christian faith?
     * Why should evangelism be 
        a priority in our lives and 
        in our churches?

✞   The Gospel is proclaimed to those 
     who are seeking.
     * What are some reasons those 
        yet to believe would want to 
        listen to the Gospel message?
     * Why do we sometimes not have 
        more passion and intentionality 
        to share the Gospel?

week of 6/2

Unit 34 Session 1



When questions arose about the Gospel, the early church gathered to clarify that justification is through faith alone, affirming a core doctrine that unites all of God's people.

As the church grew, people from non-Jewish backgrounds were coming to faith in Jesus Christ. At first, Cornelius believed under Peter's ministry. Then persecution caused believers to scatter and bring the gospel to Hellenists (Acts 11:20-21). Then Paul and Barnabas brought the gospel from Antioch throughout Asia Minor. Now the church had to deal with an important question: do you first have to become Jewish to follow Jesus? This question created a great conflict among believers who wanted to be faithful to the Bible.

Points to consider:

   The church experiences division 
     in applying the Gospel.
     * What types of works do 
        people add to the Gospel?
     * How do you guard yourself 
        from adding to the Gospel?

✞   The church exercises wisdom 
     in affirming the Gospel.
     * How does God's grace work 
        so that we might believe 
        the Gospel?
     * How do we help others grow 
        in Christ without burdening 

✞   The church encourages unity 
     in advancing the Gospel.
     * What steps can you take 
        to stand for Gospel unity?
     * How can we encourage 
        others toward more unity?