Unit 32 Session 3
ACTS 10 - 11
God confirmed that salvation had come to the Gentiles through the giving of the Holy Spirit, Who unites all who believe.
God initiated a series of events in the lives of Peter (a Jewish Christian) and Cornelius (a Gentile, soon-to-be Christian) that would result in a colossal paradigm shift for the early church's mindset and conduct. Ten years after Christ's commission, the gospel spread throughout Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria. But now it was time for the truth about Christ to reach the nations. The mystery of the gospel, as Paul liked to call it, needed uncovering. Namely, God's heart is for every tribe, tongue, and nation to hear the gospel message. The good news of Jesus is for all people.
Points to consider:
✞ God accepts all people who believe
the gospel.
* How ought the truth that God does not
show favoritism shape the life of a
* What can we learn about sharing the
gospel from Peter's message?
✞ The Spirit's presence unites people
who believe the gospel.
* What is evidence of the presence of the
Holy Spirit among God's people today?
* Why is baptism important for the
✞ The church celebrates when people
believe the gospel.
* How can I make an effort to share
the gospel with those who are lost,
even if they seem extremely different
from my friends in the church?
* How have I seen God move in my
own story of repentance?
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