Unit 30 Session 1
Both the bold preaching of Peter and the large number of people who trusted in Christ reveal the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of people.
The Holy Spirit came to the first followers of Jesus. They then had the power they needed to take the gospel to the nations (Acts 1:8). This work started with Peter, who boldly and clearly proclaimed the good news about Jesus to the people who had gathered for the Pentecost celebration. God's power through the Holy Spirit was on display, both in the message Peter proclaimed and in the response of those who believed.
Points to consider:
✞ God's people are empowered to proclaim
Jesus boldly.
* What do we learn about what is needed to
share the good news of Jesus through Peter's
* Why is it important to know our audience to
better spread the message of the gospel?
✞ God's people are empowered to call others
to repentance.
* Why do you think Peter combines repentance
and baptism as a response to the gospel?
* How does the Holy Spirit shape your life?
✞ God's people are empowered to live together
as one.
* How can you be part of building up the body in
your church?
* With what attitudes do you perform Christian
activity or service?
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