Unit 28 Session 3
In giving Peter the opportunity to confess his love three times, Jesus demonstrated His forgiveness and desire to restore fellowship with His own.
Jesus had appeared to His disciples twice in Jerusalem a week apart. But that wouldn't be the only place He would come to them as the resurrected Lord. Jesus had left instruction for the disciples with the women who had come to His tomb: Go to Galilee. They would see Jesus there (Matthew 28:16). Galilee had been home base throughout most of Jesus' earthly ministry, so it probably felt like going home for them. We can only imagine them wondering what was coming next and waiting for Jesus' next appearance.
Points to consider:
✞ The risen Messiah reveals Himself.
* What are some reasons we might struggle
to recognize the presence or work of Jesus
in our lives?
* When has Jesus led you to do something
odd or contrary to a societal norm and
how did you respond?
✞ The risen Messiah enjoys relationship.
* How do you respond when you experience
Jesus' presence in any given moment?
* What does it look like to enjoy fellowship
with Jesus and others today?
✞ The risen Messiah restores fellowship.
* What can we be doing to minister to other
believers, whether or not we're called to
full-time service?
* When has bold faith because of love for
Christ led to persecution or trials in
your life?
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