Unit 23 Session 3
In telling the parables of the lost sheep, coin, and son, Jesus expressed God's heart, One that seeks after lost people.
The kingdom of Heaven that Jesus brings reorients all of humanity's priorities, understandings, and thoughts. By realigning human hearts to God's ways about what it means to be blessed and how to practice righteous deeds, Jesus turns His disciples' attention to why He has come to bring about this radical reorientation: namely, to seek and save those who are lost (Luke 19:10).
Points to consider:
✞ The lost are sought with urgency.
* What kind of people do some
perceive to be beyond redemption
in our day?
✞ The lost are sought with diligence.
* How does the doctrine of election
humble us and keep us from
exalting ourselves?
* How might we rejoice with those
who come to faith in Jesus?
✞ The lost are sought with compassion.
* What are some reasons people seek
* How do you respond when someone
who seems undeserving of salvation
comes to faith?
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