Unit 22 Session 2
Jesus alone is able to go beyond physical healing and forgive sins as well.
Jesus had been stirring up trouble in the religious world. Though His early life had little significance on Jerusalem's religious elite, the uproar began just after His temptation in the desert (Luke 4:1-13). He began a ministry in His hometown but was run out of the synagogue with His seemingly blasphemous teaching *(vv. 14-30). Then He continued to perform miracles, casting out demons and healing the sick. But for the religious zealots, it was the last straw when He started forgiving sin.
Points to consider:
✞ The Son of Man brings forgiveness to the faithful.
* How do we know Jesus is Who He claimed to be?
✞ The Son of Man brings healing to the needy.
* Even though God has shown up for us in the past,
why is it easy to doubt His presence and power
when going through tough times?
* How can knowing Jesus cares about all our needs
(spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental) help
us in our spiritual growth?
✞ The Son of Man brings glory to the Father.
* When was the last time you glorified God because
of a sense of fear and wonder from something He
had done?
* How can we respond to Spirit-filled moments so
that we are not just merely awed but transformed?
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