Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, June 24, 2023

week of 6/25

Unit 22  Session 4



Jesus' compassion led Him not only to meet but surpass the needs of others.

In the past three sessions, we've looked closely at three stories of Jesus' miracles: His power over the storm (Mark 4:35-41), His power to forgive sin (Luke 5:17-26), and His power over sickness (Matthew 9:18-31). Today's passage is another miracle that shows another element over which Jesus is Lord, but the setting is different. The last three weeks, Jesus revealed His power inside the traditional borders of Israel; the audience that watched and listened to Jesus had Jewish lineage and knew the Old Testament laws and prophecies. Today's passage takes place outside those boundaries.

Points to consider:

   The Lord extends compassion to those in need.
     * How do we grow in compassion for others?
     * What should faithful action look like in the 

✞   The Lord calls His followers to serve those in need.
     * How can you act on one of these social concerns?

✞   The Lord satisfies completely those in need.
     * How can you live out compassion, knowing God 
        gives abundantly?
     * Who might seem foreign to us, but we still need 
        to love and share Jesus with?

Saturday, June 17, 2023

week of 6/18

Unit 22  Session 3



Jesus healed those who acted in faith in Him.

Chapters 8 and 9 in Matthew's Gospel are a collection of stories showing the healing power of Jesus. He touched a leper to cleanse him, He healed the servant of a centurion who understood true authority, He cured Peter's mother-in-law, He cast out demons and sent them into pigs, and He commanded a paralytic to get up and walk. Matthew wanted His readers to clearly see that Jesus heals.

Points to consider:

   The Son of David responds to humble faith.
     * How can we develop our own humility, 
        particularly in approaching Jesus in prayer?

✞   The Son of David responds to bold faith.
     * How can bold faith reveal itself in a believer's 
        life today?
     * How did the woman's faith lead to more than 
        physical healing?

✞   The Son of David responds to desperate faith.
     * How do we honestly approach God with humility 
        and still present our requests to Him in faith?
     * God can do all things, but how are we to act when 
        He chooses not to do what we are hoping for?

Monday, June 12, 2023

week of 6/11

Unit 22  Session 2



Jesus alone is able to go beyond physical healing and forgive sins as well.

Jesus had been stirring up trouble in the religious world. Though His early life had little significance on Jerusalem's religious elite, the uproar began just after His temptation in the desert (Luke 4:1-13). He began a ministry in His hometown but was run out of the synagogue with His seemingly blasphemous teaching *(vv. 14-30). Then He continued to perform miracles, casting out demons and healing the sick. But for the religious zealots, it was the last straw when He started forgiving sin.

Points to consider:

   The Son of Man brings forgiveness to the faithful.
     * How do we know Jesus is Who He claimed to be?

✞   The Son of Man brings healing to the needy.
     * Even though God has shown up for us in the past, 
        why is it easy to doubt His presence and power 
        when going through tough times?
     * How can knowing Jesus cares about all our needs 
        (spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental) help 
        us in our spiritual growth?

✞   The Son of Man brings glory to the Father.
     * When was the last time you glorified God because 
        of a sense of fear and wonder from something He 
        had done?
     * How can we respond to Spirit-filled moments so 
        that we are not just merely awed but transformed?

Saturday, June 3, 2023

week of 6/4

 Unit 22  Session 1



In calming a storm, Jesus revealed that He is the Son of God, the One Who has all authority over nature.

Jesus continued to reveal Himself through His actions. Here in the Gospel of Mark, He was by the Sea of Galilee and began teaching. He eventually had to get on a boat because of the large crowds (Mark 4:1). As we consider today's passage, let this background invade your senses: smell the crowd, taste the salty air; hear the authority of Jesus; see the Sea of Galilee, vast and mighty. The disciples didn't realize it but this lecture from the teacher would be followed quickly by a pop quiz.

Points to consider:

   The Son of God rests in the care of His Father.
     * When has Jesus led you through times that 
        were difficult, confusing, or overwhelming, 
        and what did He reveal to you through that 

✞   The Son of God exerts authority over His creation.
     * What makes you fearful today, and what 
        would God say to you about that fear?
     * How might you respond differently to a 
        crisis if you truly believe that God is 

✞   The Son of God calls for faith from His followers.  
     * How might asking ourselves why we are 
        afraid bring us to see our own faith honestly?
     * How can we intentionally study the Bible 
        to see God more clearly?