Unit 19 Session 5
Jesus invited His first followers into relationship with Him and promised that they would experience great things.
John the Baptist introduced Jesus to the world as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). He understood Jesus's role from the start. Jesus was the sacrificial substitute, laying down His life for His people. John again, the following day, called Jesus the Lamb of God (John 1:36), specifically telling two of his own disciples, allowing them to follow Jesus and become His disciples. The call to follow the Lamb is the foundation of John's Gospel and the basis for the entire story of the Bible. From cover to cover, the Bible invites the reader to look at Jesus, follow Him, and be saved.
Points to consider:
✞ The Messiah invites others to follow Him.
* What does it mean to follow Jesus for
the modern reader?
* Why is it sometimes difficult to share
about Jesus with others?
✞ The Messiah reveals His identity by His power.
* What names of Jesus resonate with you
at this point in your life, and why?
✞ The Messiah promises greater things to come.
* What causes you to believe that Jesus
really is Who He says He is?
* Who do you say that Jesus is?
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