Unit 20 Session 2
Jesus promised the Samaritan woman that all who believe in Him receive living water - the Holy Spirit - Who completely satisfies the longings of the heart and enables true worship of God.
Jesus was returning home to Galilee after some time spent in Judea. Instead of going around the region of Samaria, He went through it. While in Samaria, He stopped at a well and interacted with a Samaritan woman who was known for her immoral lifestyle, seeking satisfaction from the pleasures of the world. Jesus met her and promised that He could give her living water - the Holy Spirit - Who would completely satisfy her deepest longings.
Points to consider:
✞ The Son gives living water.
* With what types of people might we
find it difficult to share the good
news of Jesus?
✞ The Son enables true worship.
* Why are truth and the Holy Spirit
necessary for our worship of God?
✞ The Son provides an abundant harvest.
* Why is evangelism so important to God?
* How can we have a stronger sense of
urgency in sharing with others the good
news of Jesus?