Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, April 22, 2023

week of 4/23

Unit 20  Session 2



Jesus promised the Samaritan woman that all who believe in Him receive living water - the Holy Spirit - Who completely satisfies the longings of the heart and enables true worship of God.

Jesus was returning home to Galilee after some time spent in Judea. Instead of going around the region of Samaria, He went through it. While in Samaria, He stopped at a well and interacted with a Samaritan woman who was known for her immoral lifestyle, seeking satisfaction from the pleasures of the world. Jesus met her and promised that He could give her living water - the Holy Spirit - Who would completely satisfy her deepest longings.

Points to consider:

   The Son gives living water.
     * With what types of people might we 
        find it difficult to share the good 
        news of Jesus?

✞   The Son enables true worship.
     * Why are truth and the Holy Spirit 
        necessary for our worship of God?

✞   The Son provides an abundant harvest.  
     * Why is evangelism so important to God?
     * How can we have a stronger sense of 
        urgency in sharing with others the good 
        news of Jesus? 

Saturday, April 15, 2023

week of 4/16

Unit 20  Session 1



Jesus came to earth so that those who believe in Him would escape condemnation and have eternal life.

John began his Gospel helping his readers understand that Jesus is God and pre-existed at creation and was active in creation. He continued with John the Baptist and his pointing to Jesus as the Lamb of God. He then moved to the beginning of Jesus' ministry as He gathered disciples. In Chapter 2, Jesus turned water into wine and began to show people how He is able to transform things in His power for His glory. His zeal for the Lord is unmatched. Chapter 3, then, begins with one of the Pharisees, Nicodemus, approaching Jesus at night. Nicodemus wanted to talk with Jesus about the signs Jesus was doing.

Points to consider:

   The Son came so that people might 
     experience new birth.
     * How should a biblical understanding 
        of regeneration inform our evangelism?

✞   The Son came so that people might 
     have eternal life.
     * What is the present reality and future 
        expectation for one who doesn't believe 
        in Jesus?

✞   The Son came so that people might 
     escape condemnation.  
     * Why should we not brush aside sins, 
        even "small" ones? 
     * Why is sin so tempting and desirable 
        at times? 

Friday, April 7, 2023

week of 4/9

Unit 19  Session 6



Jesus came to be the ultimate sacrifice to pay for the sins of the world and bring people into relationship with God.

Easter week is a vivid reminder of Jesus' purpose and work, the reason why He was born into this world as a human being. We focus on the cross and resurrection at Easter since this week commemorates these key events in Jesus' life. However, all the way back at His birth, the descriptions used of Jesus pointed forward to the way His life would lead to His sacrificial death. These descriptions also point back to the Old Testament as many of the images that foreshadowed His death were woven into the story of God from long ago - such as the temple and the sacrificial system.

Points to consider:

   Jesus came to be the greater temple.
     * What do you think of when you 
        hear the word temple?
     * How is the temple of Jesus' body 
        better than the temple building?

✞   Jesus came to be the greater Passover Lamb.
     * How should the church treat sin and 
        sinful people?

✞   Jesus came to be the greater sacrifice.   
     * How would you feel if you had to offer 
        sacrifices for sin year after year? 

Saturday, April 1, 2023

week of 4/2

Unit 19  Session 5



Jesus invited His first followers into relationship with Him and promised that they would experience great things.

John the Baptist introduced Jesus to the world as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). He understood Jesus's role from the start. Jesus was the sacrificial substitute, laying down His life for His people. John again, the following day, called Jesus the Lamb of God (John 1:36), specifically telling two of his own disciples, allowing them to follow Jesus and become His disciples. The call to follow the Lamb is the foundation of John's Gospel and the basis for the entire story of the Bible. From cover to cover, the Bible invites the reader to look at Jesus, follow Him, and be saved.

Points to consider:

   The Messiah invites others to follow Him.
     * What does it mean to follow Jesus for 
        the modern reader?
     * Why is it sometimes difficult to share 
        about Jesus with others?

✞   The Messiah reveals His identity by His power.
     * What names of Jesus resonate with you 
        at this point in your life, and why?

✞   The Messiah promises greater things to come.   
     * What causes you to believe that Jesus 
        really is Who He says He is? 
     * Who do you say that Jesus is?