Unit 19 Session 1
John 1
Jesus is the Word, the Son of God Who came into the world to bring salvation.
At the start of the New Testament, the situation was bleak for God's people. Even after God's people returned to their land, they were still under the power of the Medo-Persians - after them, the Greeks, and after them, the Romans. The prophets were silent. The kingdom was broken. The future was dark. Greek and Roman culture had enveloped the whole area, and the elitist Pharisees and Sadducees had come into power to try to lead the Jews, but their only real hope was the coming of the Messiah. But when would that be? Into this, Jesus was born. Everything changed when Jesus showed up.
Points to consider:
✞ The Word of God in Creation
* What makes it hard for you to
think about the Son of God
existing as God when God
created the world?
✞ The Word of God in Redemption
* Why might it be difficult to share
the truth of Jesus Christ?
* How does this passage say people
are saved from sin and darkness?
✞ The Word of God in Glory
* What attributes of God are revealed
through Jesus' incarnation for our
salvation, for which we should praise
and imitate Him?
* Why might we find it difficult to speak
and act in grace and truth?
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