Unit 18 Session 3
eZRA 7 - 10 ; NEHEMIAH 8
When God's people hear the Word of the Lord, they find joy and seek to obey God's commands.
With Nehemiah's arrival in Jerusalem, the former cupbearer turned governor of the region began to rebuild their city and their identity (Neh. 5:14). As with most big projects, they had their share of troubles, both inside and out. Enemies threatened, and opportunists took advantage, but through it all, Nehemiah's one-sentence prayers sustained him and his people as they slowly but surely rebuilt the wall (5:19 ; 6:9). Then came the even larger challenge: Who would this people be? Would they be those who despised their God and their people or would they be the people the Lord had called them to be in His Word?
Points to consider:
✞ God's people gather to hear the Word of the Lord.
* What are some ways we submit to the authority
of God's Word?
✞ God's people display the joy of the Lord.
* Why should conviction of sin result in our joy?
* How can we live so that our joy as believers in
Christ can be seen by others for the glory of God?
✞ God's people unite to obey the commands of the Lord.
* What are some reasons we might fail to recognize
the privilege we have to read and hear God's Word?
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