Unit 18 Session 1
God brings salvation at just the right time in just the right way.
In what is surely remembered as one of the darkest periods of Israelite history, the exile cast a pall over everything that set God's people apart: they were not in the promised land, they couldn't worship in the temple, and their distinct identity was being swallowed up in that of their captors. Worst of all, it was all their fault for turning their backs on God. Yet He hadn't turned His back on them. The Jews were free to return, the temple had been rebuilt, and in the midst of a godless nation's rule, Yahweh was still arranging the situations and paths of His people to prove Himself faithful.
Points to consider:
✞ God's salvation comes through a timely risk.
* How had Esther's life plan reflected a careful
placing by God "for such a time as this"?
✞ God's salvation comes through a timely intercession.
* How did Esther and Mordecai use their knowledge
and authority for God's purposes?
✞ God's salvation comes through a timely victory.
* What are some things in your life that happened
"in the nick of time"? Looking back, how can you
see God's perfect timing in that exact moment?
* How should our fighting look different from how
the rest of the world fights?
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