Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Sunday, January 29, 2023

week of 1/29

Unit 18  Session 1



God brings salvation at just the right time in just the right way.

In what is surely remembered as one of the darkest periods of Israelite history, the exile cast a pall over everything that set God's people apart: they were not in the promised land, they couldn't worship in the temple, and their distinct identity was being swallowed up in that of their captors. Worst of all, it was all their fault for turning their backs on God. Yet He hadn't turned His back on them. The Jews were free to return, the temple had been rebuilt, and in the midst of a godless nation's rule, Yahweh was still arranging the situations and paths of His people to prove Himself faithful.

Points to consider:

   God's salvation comes through a timely risk.
     * How had Esther's life plan reflected a careful 
        placing by God "for such a time as this"?

✞   God's salvation comes through a timely intercession.
     * How did Esther and Mordecai use their knowledge 
        and authority for God's purposes?

✞   God's salvation comes through a timely victory.     
     * What are some things in your life that happened 
        "in the nick of time"? Looking back, how can you 
        see God's perfect timing in that exact moment?
     * How should our fighting look different from how 
        the rest of the world fights?

Sunday, January 22, 2023

week of 1/22

Unit 17  Session 4



Everything that God has said can be trusted because it is impossible for Him to lie.

God had promised to bring His people back into the land of promise, restoring His dwelling place and giving His people hope and a future. But upon their return, the new temple was not as great as Solomon's, the sacrifices offered did not result in the glory of the Lord descending like it had at the dedication of the first temple, and the promises of God seemed to be left unfinished. Yet God had promised that there would be a day when He would bless the world through Abraham and His glory would be revealed to the world. God is trustworthy, and His promises can be relied upon.

Points to consider:

   God is trustworthy, demonstrating His greatness.
     * What are some ways God has been trustworthy 
        with His promises?

✞   God is trustworthy, manifesting His character.
     * Since God has committed Himself to His promises,
        what effect should this have on our lives?
     * How does God's unchanging character to keep His 
        word give you assurance in Him?

✞   God is trustworthy, anchoring His salvation.     
     * In what ways is God our refuge?
     * What confidence does Christ's work give you 
        about your future?

Saturday, January 14, 2023

week of 1/15

Unit 17  Session 3


EZRA 2-6

God moves His people to obey Him so that He might be glorified.

The exiles in Babylon were graciously granted permission to return home to Judah with the express purpose of rebuilding the temple of the Lord. Immediately, they set out to lay the foundation, which resulted in cries of joy from the young but tears from the old. But then outside opposition to this work set in with physical and political threats. The result was a delay in the construction and a loss of motivation in the people. They would need a prophetic word and the Lord's intervention to help them complete the house of God.

Points to consider:

   The people obey because of divine encouragement.
     * Why is it easy to get distracted from the Lord's work?
     * Why is it important to listen to godly wisdom from
        God's people?

✞   The people succeed because of divine intervention.
     * How should we live knowing that God is infinite?

✞   The people rejoice because of divine sovereignty.     
     * What are some commands for how we are to worship 
        God because of our salvation in Jesus Christ?
     * How should belief in God's power to rescue us bring 
        joy in your life?

Saturday, January 7, 2023

week of 1/8

Unit 17  Session 2



A day is coming when God will win the victory for His people and reign over them forevermore.

God had set His people free from captivity in Babylon. Yet the people still needed spiritual renewal and repentance. Having returned to the land, the prophet Zechariah called God's people to mourn over their sins. The Lord promised to give His people a new spirit, one of grace so they would be able to see the One who was coming to be "pierced" for their sins (Zech. 12:10). In the face of dark times, the Lord will remind His people that just as He won previous battles, He will win the future battle so that their future will be secure forever with Him.

Points to consider:

   The Lord will cleanse the impurities of His people.
     * What responses should people have to God's 
        offer of forgiveness and cleansing from sin?

✞   The Lord will fight and win the victory for His people.
     * What are some ways we can remind ourselves 
        of God's faithfulness and eternal victory in the 
        midst of our trials?

✞   The Lord will reign with provision and security for 
     His people.     
     * What are some ways you can show the world 
        that Jesus is King over your life?
     * How should the promise of Christ's coming 
        kingdom cause you to live today?

Sunday, January 1, 2023

week of 1/1

Unit 17  Session 1


EZRA 1-2

God is faithful to fulfill His promises and will bring restoration.

After spending seventy years in exile, away from their homeland, the Lord brought upheaval to kingdoms of the world, resulting in His people going home. Belshazzar and the Babylonians were overthrown by the Persians, and the result was a change in policy towards those who had been deported from Judah. God would bring His chosen people back to the land of promise - the land that He had given to Abraham and that Israel had settled during the days of Joshua.

Points to consider:

   The Lord moved a leader to fulfill His Word.
     * How should knowing the Lord fulfills His 
        promises cause us to read His Word?
     * What difference should God's providence, 
        His control of all things, make in how we 
        view history?

✞   The Lord roused the people to rebuild His house.
     * How should God's care for the details of His 
        worship move our hearts to worship Him 

✞   The Lord restored the families to their homes.     
     * How might God's unchanging nature 
        encourage you during hard times?