Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, December 30, 2023

week of 12/31

Unit 29 Session 1



Jesus' disciples were to carry out their mission of telling the world about Him, a mission they could only fulfill through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Acts picks up where the Gospel of Luke ends. After Jesus' resurrection, He spent forty days with His disciples, teaching them about the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3). He did this to prepare them for life and ministry in His physical absence. The disciples were nervous and anxious about the next phase of their lives and ministry, but Jesus gathered them, commissioned them, and assured them of the promise of the Holy Spirit and His physical return.

Points to consider:

   Jesus' disciples rely on the power of the Spirit.
     * How do you see the Holy Spirit as a promised blessing 
        in the life of the believer?
     * How should the awareness of the Holy Spirit being in 
        your life impact your daily life and relationship with 

✞   Jesus' disciples fulfill the mission of the Father.
     * Why was it important for Christ to refocus the disciples' 
        attention from the restoration of Israel to the Father's 
        ultimate plan?
     * Do you think the first disciples completed this commission 
        and why?

✞   Jesus' disciples anticipate the return of the Son.
     * In John 14:1-7, the disciples were distraught at the thought 
        of Christ leaving. Why do they now seem composed in Acts 
        as He returned to the Father?
     * How should our anticipation for Christ's return motivate 
        our activity to be His witnesses?

Sunday, December 24, 2023

week of 12/24

Unit 28  Session 4



God made the perfect way to be with His people through Christ Jesus.

It's easy to read a story and picture the setting in our minds. But the Bible is different. Though the narrative occurred in a specific time and place, it connects directly to many more stories spread across years and miles within the Bible. Today's passage is no different. Jesus spoke to His disciples from a mountain in Galilee, but His words reached back into the Old Testament. In His final words, Jesus reveals not only Himself but also His purpose for His followers.

Points to consider:

   The Lord is with His people from high above.
     * How is knowing God is beyond us encourage you?
     * How do you respond to knowing God always had 
        a plan of redemption because of His love for His 

✞   The Lord is with His people with full authority.
     * How do obedience, worship, and doubt mix in 
        someone's walk of faith?
     * If we know and believe that Jesus has all authority, 
        how should that change our prayer life and spiritual 

✞   The Lord is with His people forever and always.
     * What are some practical ways to make disciples?
     * How does Jesus' promise "I am with you" give you 
        courage to make disciples?

Sunday, December 17, 2023

week of 12/17

Unit 28  Session 3



In giving Peter the opportunity to confess his love three times, Jesus demonstrated His forgiveness and desire to restore fellowship with His own.

Jesus had appeared to His disciples twice in Jerusalem a week apart. But that wouldn't be the only place He would come to them as the resurrected Lord. Jesus had left instruction for the disciples with the women who had come to His tomb: Go to Galilee. They would see Jesus there (Matthew 28:16). Galilee had been home base throughout most of Jesus' earthly ministry, so it probably felt like going home for them. We can only imagine them wondering what was coming next and waiting for Jesus' next appearance.

Points to consider:

   The risen Messiah reveals Himself.
     * What are some reasons we might struggle 
         to recognize the presence or work of Jesus 
         in our lives?
     * When has Jesus led you to do something 
         odd or contrary to a societal norm and 
         how did you respond?

✞   The risen Messiah enjoys relationship.
     * How do you respond when you experience 
        Jesus' presence in any given moment?
     * What does it look like to enjoy fellowship 
         with Jesus and others today?

✞   The risen Messiah restores fellowship.
     * What can we be doing to minister to other 
         believers, whether or not we're called to 
         full-time service?
     * When has bold faith  because of love for 
         Christ led to persecution or trials in 
         your life?

Saturday, December 9, 2023

week of 12/10

 Unit 28  Session 2



While all are invited to believe in Jesus, not all are willing to place their faith in Jesus so that they might be saved.

Luke 24:36-49 and John 20:19-23 tell the same story from different perspectives. John added a little more detail: not only did Jesus appear to the Eleven and some other disciples, He also showed them His hands and side, offered peace, pledged the Holy Spirit, and gave them instructions on forgiveness. What a moment! When the small group of followers had been contemplating whether or not to believe the testimony of a few, Jesus Himself showed up and removed all doubt. His visible, tangible, spiritual, and emotional proof gave them what they needed to believe. And Thomas missed it.

Points to consider:

   Belief is passed down by faithful witnesses.
     * Why is it difficult for some people to be 
        faithful witnesses of the gospel?
     * How does knowing God honors our search 
        for truth remind us that our faith is not blind?

✞   Belief is based on the historical resurrection of Jesus.
     * How does the historical resurrection of Jesus and its 
        validity bring you peace and encouragement?
    * Knowing the Bible is true and reliable, what are some 
        ways we can encourage ourselves and others to read 
        and study it more?

✞   Belief is grounded in confessing Jesus is Lord.
     * How have you submitted to Jesus as your Lord 
        and God this past week?
     * How do you feel "blessed" through your faith 
        in Jesus?

Sunday, December 3, 2023

week of 12/3

Unit 28  Session 1



In appearing to His followers, the risen Jesus gave them, and all who believe, peace, hope, and confidence.

Luke 24 opens on resurrection morning, when some women bringing spices for the body of Jesus found the stone rolled away from His tomb and two gleaming angels instead. The mourning women were terrified, but Jesus had risen! The women told the disciples, who thought the women were out of their minds, but Peter went to see the open tomb. That same day, two disciples heading to Emmaus encountered a Stranger Who seemed to be completely unaware of Jesus and His tragic death. The most exciting part of the world's greatest story was just beginning.

Points to consider:

   The risen Messiah brings peace.
     * How can we know and experience 
        the peace of Christ in the midst of 
        panic, chaos, or confusion?
     * How can we apply our knowledge 
        of God's transcendence to our lives?

✞   The risen Messiah overcomes doubts.
     * What have you experienced in the 
        past that made you doubt God and 
        how did Jesus reveal Himself in it?
    * How do we help others (or ourselves) 
        when we face doubts about God or 
        His Word?

✞   The risen Messiah fulfills Scripture.
     * How can studying God's fulfilled 
        promises in the Bible strengthen 
        your faith even today?
     * How are we called to be witnesses 

Saturday, November 25, 2023

week of 11/26

 Unit 27  Session 4



Jesus fulfills the office of king, ruling over all of creation and guiding and directing His people, the church.

We have been looking the last few weeks at Jesus as King, accused, crucified, and risen. And to sum up, He is the conquering King. He oversees the universe, guides the church, and rewards the faithful when He returns. He is sovereign over all and sovereign over us. As King, He is victorious over all. Therefore, Christians should respond to His mighty sovereignty and majestic grace through faith-filled obedience.

Points to consider:

   Jesus is the eternal King, ruling the cosmos.
     * What are some ways we should worship 
     * What characteristics make Jesus the 
        greatest King?

✞   Jesus is the resurrected King, directing the church.
     * If Jesus is the Head of the church and first place 
        in everything, how should we submit our lives 
        to Him?
    * Where in your life are you experiencing peace 
        because of Jesus?

✞   Jesus is the returning King, rewarding the faithful.
     * How do we live our lives knowing Jesus is 
        returning soon and will reward those according 
        to their work?
     * How is Jesus the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning 
        and the End?

Saturday, November 18, 2023

week of 11/19

Unit 27  Session 3



Jesus' resurrection from the dead on the third day is the linchpin of the Christian faith and is news to be shared with the world.

After a grueling trial and gruesome crucifixion, the beaten, lifeless body of Jesus hung on the cross. With Friday sundown and the approaching Sabbath, there was rush to dispose of the deceased. Determined to honor their Rabbi, some of Jesus' followers arranged to provide Jesus with a proper burial. But they didn't know that the borrowed tomb would only be needed for a very short time. Jesus would not be dead for long. God was about to make His most powerful move yet to fulfill His promise to rescue His people.

Points to consider:

   Resisting the Possibility of Jesus' Resurrection
     * How can you put Jesus in a place of honor in 
        your life?
     * How can someone try to explain why he or she 
        believes in Jesus' resurrection?

✞   Encouraging the Reality of Jesus' Resurrection
     * What other times has God used Heavenly 
        messengers to give authoritative, Divine news?
     * How does the reality of Jesus' resurrection 
        impact your life?

✞   Sharing the News of Jesus' Resurrection
     * How can I keep myself accountable on 
        prioritizing telling others the good news 
        of Jesus?
     * How might the reality that every person 
        will live on for eternity - either with Christ
        or without - change our everyday moments?

Saturday, November 11, 2023

week of 11/12

Unit 27  Session 2



Jesus gave up His life to provide salvation to all who repent of their sin.

Only a handful of hours into His last day before death, Jesus had already been falsely accused and wrongly condemned to death. He was flogged by officials, forsaken by His followers, and left so weak that He could not even carry His cross as He marched to the place of His execution. Yet the emotional anguish and physical pain He bore could not keep Him from obediently fulfilling God's purpose. Christ came to be a ransom for sinners so that those who believed could become part of the forever family of God.

Points to consider:

   Jesus, the crucified King, extends forgiveness 
     to the executioners.
     * When in the midst of suffering and persecution, 
        what are your prayers typically geared toward?
     * Why is it difficult to forgive others?

✞   Jesus, the crucified King, promises salvation 
     to the repentant.
     * Which of these three truths do you think our 
        culture struggles with the most, and why?

✞   Jesus, the crucified King, entrusts Himself 
     to the Father.
     * What are the benefits of having direct access 
        to the Father?
     * What are ways we can fill our thoughts and 
        words with Scripture?

Sunday, November 5, 2023

week of 11/5

Unit 27  Session 1


LUKE 22-23

Jesus was arrested, tried, and condemned to die, even though He did no wrong.

After three full years of ministry, the time had come for the promised Messiah - the ultimate Prophet, Priest, and King who had been anticipated for millennia - to finish what He had started. His mission was clear and His resolve strong. Through the enabling strength of the Spirit by the unshakable will of the Father, the Son of God set His face to the cross. Much suffering awaited Jesus, some of which would be physical, but it would also be emotional as He watched His followers and friends abandon Him, betray Him, and become a part of condemning Him to death.

Points to consider:

   Jesus, the King of the Jews, is wrongly tried.
     * What are some examples of Christians using 
        wrong methods when trying to share the truth?
     * What reasons did the religious leaders have 
        for wanting Jesus condemned?

✞   Jesus, the King of the Jews, is wrongly accused.
     * What are some things Christians are wrongly 
        accused of at times?
     * How does knowing Jesus lived a holy and 
        innocent life but still dealt with persecution 
        and injustice encourage you when you face 
        similar troubles?

✞   Jesus, the King of the Jews, is wrongly condemned.
     * Why is mob rule so effective?
     * What can we do to sin less?

Monday, October 23, 2023

week of 10/22

Unit 26  Session 3



Even as Jesus was betrayed and arrested, He did not waver in His obedience to the Father and continued to trust in His plan to provide salvation.

As Jesus and His disciples left the upper room, Jesus embarked on the final leg of His journey to the cross. He entered the garden of Gethsemane, knowing all His disciples would fail to stand and watch and pray. He knew Peter would deny Him three times. He was utterly alone, but He never wavered. In the garden, Jesus did what Adam could not do. He stood against the devil and bowed His will to the Father's. By doing so, He brought many sons to glory.

Points to consider:

   The Son of Man predicts abandonment.
     * What can you do to show your thankfulness, 
        knowing Jesus was willing to face death to 
        bring about salvation?
     * How does the gospel change the way we view 
        the disciples' failures through the night of 
        Jesus' arrest?

✞   The Son of Man trusts in God's plan.
     * What can we learn from Jesus in the garden 
        when we are grieving and sorrowful?
     * How does Jesus' acceptance of God's will 
        instruct us on how we should pray during 
        difficult times?

✞   The Son of Man exercises restraint.
     * How does knowing God's timing is different 
        from our timing help us in dealing with 
     * Seeing prophecies fulfilled, what do we 
        learn about Scripture?

Saturday, October 14, 2023

week of 10/14

Unit 26  Session 2



In the Lord's Supper, Jesus presented a picture of the sacrifice He would make on the cross and also affirmed that He would be victorious: His kingdom would not fail.

Jesus continued His march to the cross, but He stopped to celebrate Passover with His disciples. The time of His departure was near, and one among them would betray Him. Yet Jesus did something more than simply predict His death and resurrection - He performed the first Lord's Supper. Christians have taken the Lord's Supper ever since as a reminder of Christ's broken body and blood shed upon the cross. This signifies the new covenant between Jesus and His people, a promise sealed by Jesus' blood to save His people from their sins.

Points to consider:

   The Son of Man will be betrayed 
as part 
     of God's plan.
     * How does God's plan of salvation reveal 
        His love?
     * How do God's plan and our choices work 

✞   The Son of Man will be sacrificed as part 
     of God's plan.
     * How does looking at the Lord's Supper 
        with fresh eyes change the way you 
        approach partaking of it with the church?
     * How does the word "covenant" help us 
        understand the security found in Christ's 

✞   The Son of Man will be celebrated as part 
     of God's kingdom.
     * Knowing you will see Jesus one day, how 
        does that encourage you daily?
     * How do songs of worship impact your life?

Saturday, October 7, 2023

week of 10/8

Unit 26  Session 1



Those who follow Jesus are called to sacrifice in order to show Him worth, prioritizing Him above all as they point others to Him.

One day before Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, six days before the Passover festival and His crucifixion, Jesus visited with His friends Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Just a short time earlier, Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead, calling him to come out of the tomb that had been his final resting place for four days. This visit no doubt was accompanied by celebration and thanksgiving for the miracle Jesus had performed, but it also gave rise to acts of devotion and rejection that would soon culminate in the great High Priest's sacrifice of Himself for the sins of the world.

Points to consider:

   Jesus' followers sacrifice greatly for Him.
     * What adjectives or characteristics express 
        the way we should serve the Lord?
     * What types of sacrifices can someone offer 
        to Jesus today?

✞   Jesus' followers prioritize being with Him.
     * Why is it sometimes easier to do good works 
        than to spend time cultivating our relationship 
        with Jesus?
     * Though Jesus is not with us physically, how can 
        we spend more time with Him?

✞   Jesus' followers help others believe in Him.
     * How have miracles in your life pointed you or 
        others to Jesus?
     * How does the hope of future resurrection 
        strengthen you now to live for Christ?

Sunday, October 1, 2023

week of 10/1

 Unit 25  Session 5



Jesus fulfills the office of prophet, declaring words of eternal life to the world.

When Jesus began His earthly ministry, He immediately turned heads. He taught with authority in a way that completely stunned and amazed the people who heard Him. No one had ever seen or heard anyone teach the way Jesus taught. But Jesus wasn't accepted by everyone. In fact, though many people immediately desired to follow Jesus, they lacked staying power because the teachings of Jesus were very difficult for them to understand and accept. Jesus, the true Prophet, not only declared the way to the Father, but when He did, He revealed Himself as the only Way.

Points to consider:

   Jesus, the Word, possesses unique authority.
     * What are some things believers can do to 
        live in submission to the authority of Jesus 
        over their lives?
     * How does Jesus' being the final Word of God 
        shape our understanding of people who 
        claim to have new revelation?

✞   Jesus, the Word, provides eternal life.
     * What's the difference between a true disciple 
        and one that just follows for a time but one 
        day will turn away?
     * What's so amazing about eternal life?

✞   Jesus, the Word, reveals the Father.
     * If Jesus is the only Way, what are some of the 
        important distinctions between Christianity 
        and other religions?
     * How does knowing Jesus, the Father, and the 
        Spirit are One encourage you?

Sunday, September 24, 2023

week of 9/24

 Unit 25  Session 4



Followers of Jesus are to live expectantly, faithfully, and compassionately as they await His return and His coming kingdom.

In His last week on earth before His crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus' disciples, sitting privately with Jesus, asked when He was coming back at the end of the age (Matthew 24:3). The disciples understood and believed that Jesus had to go away, but they also knew that He would one day return to restore all things. Jesus answered them with parables - fictional stories used to convey moral and spiritual truth - to explain that no one knows the time or hour, but it was still necessary for them to prepare for His return and work to build His kingdom while they waited.

Points to consider:

   Jesus divides the wise and the fools.
     * What are some things that we can do 
        to stay prepared for Jesus' return?
     * How do good works verify genuine 
        faith and make our justification 
        evident to others?

✞   Jesus divides the diligent and the faithless.
     * How are our actions a direct reflection of 
        our understanding of God's character?
     * How can we be diligent in God's work, 
        knowing that our faith should be dis-
        played in our service to the King and 
        His kingdom?

✞   Jesus divides the compassionate and the indifferent.
     * How does the reality that the kingdom is an 
        inheritance challenge the idea of earning 
        salvation through good works?
     * What are examples of serving "the least of these"?