Unit 13 Session 3
1 KINGS 19 ; 2 KINGS 2
Those who seek to be faithful to God's call do so empowered and equipped by His Spirit.
Elijah had been a faithful prophet, obedient to God and consistent in calling Israel to repentance and their own obedience to God. He spoke directly about the sins of the people and performed miracles that demonstrated the Spirit of God was with him. Now the end of Elijah's time on earth was near. He was still following the Lord faithfully, and his protege, Elisha, was right by his side. The nation of Israel still needed a prophet, still needed someone to declare God's truth to them. God had said it would be Elisha, but how would Elisha fill Elijah's rather large shoes?
Points to consider:
✞ Faithful to the call.
* What are some ways disciples of Jesus
should demonstrate their faithfulness
to Him?
✞ Power for the call.
* What are some physical places that
hold spiritual meaning for you?
✞ Equipped for the call.
* Why do we need the Holy Spirit to
fulfill our gospel mission in the world?
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