Unit 10 Session 2
God brings victory through His chosen leaders, who are called to express God's character in their leadership.
In response to the sinful demand for a king like those of the nations, the Lord raised up and anointed Saul, a Benjaminite, as the king over Israel. Yet a public revelation of Saul's kingship was met with Saul initially hiding in fear. Still, when the people of Israel saw this man of impressive physical stature, they proclaimed their loyalty to him, at least, most of the people did; some wicked men despised him. When we net see Saul, however, curiously, we find him once again in an agricultural context, leading a team of oxen. But the Lord was about to change Saul's circumstances significantly.
Points to consider:
✞ God's chosen king unites his people in the face
of an enemy.
* What are some ways God has answered your
prayers in unexpected ways?
* What are some reasons God often seems to use
the unlikely and undeserving to accomplish
His purposes?
✞ God's chosen king extends mercy after victory.
* How does extending mercy to others help point
people to God, and specifically Jesus Christ?
* What will it look like for Jesus Christ to be
sovereign in our lives?
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