Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, June 25, 2022

week of 6/26

Unit 10  Session 4



God is right to judge people for thier sinful conduct and hearts, but in His mercy, he judged Christ on their behalf so that they might be saved.

The people of Israel wanted a human king to go out before them and fight their battles, never mind that it was the Lord Who had always been there doing eactly that. Yet the Lord gave the people what they wanted, and while he began well, he proved to be a king out for his own reputation and gain. Therefore, the just God Who raised him up also tore the kingdom away from him. God's justice, both past, present, and in the promised future, serves as a warning against our sin and should lead us to repentance and faith in Jesus. And then, because our God is just, we should strive to live justly and to seek His justice in the world.

Points to consider:

   God's justice is served to all people everywhere
     * What sins have we seen thus far in King Saul's 
        life that we could find in our own?

God's justice is revealed in the atoning sacrifice 
      of Jesus.
     * How should we respond to the truth that God 
        is both just and gracious in the gift of Jesus 
        for salvation?

✞   Living with an abundance of justice is pleasing to God.
     * What should it look like for believers in Christ 
        to reflect God's justice and righteousness in 
        the world?

week of 6/18

Unit 10  Session 3


1 SAMUEL 13 - 15

When those in authority fail to obey God, they may be disqualified.

Following Jabesh-gilead's deliverance, the people, in the Lord's presence, installed Saul as king of Israel, and Samuel gave his final public speech as the leader and judge over Israel. Saul was now the Lord's anointed man, the highest representative of the Lord's will and work. But before long, the once fearful, humble leader accumulated power and grew increasingly deaf to God's voice. Saul listened to himself, or to the people of Israel, more than to God. The Lord tested Saul's faithfulness with a series of commands, and Saul's responses revealed the condition of his heart and his unfitness for ruling God's people.

Points to consider:

   The people's king acts apart from the Lord
     * What were some signs and wonders God had 
        performed that should have sustained the 
        faith of the Isralite soldiers?

The people's king disobeys the instruction of the Lord.
     * What are some ways believers today might justify  
        their sinful actions?

✞   The people's king is rejected by the Lord.
     * How should Saul's downfall encourage us to think 
        differently about our own sin?

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

week of 6/12

Unit 10  Session 2



God brings victory through His chosen leaders, who are called to express God's character in their leadership.

In response to the sinful demand for a king like those of the nations, the Lord raised up and anointed Saul, a Benjaminite, as the king over Israel. Yet a public revelation of Saul's kingship was met with Saul initially hiding in fear. Still, when the people of Israel saw this man of impressive physical stature, they proclaimed their loyalty to him, at least, most of the people did; some wicked men despised him. When we net see Saul, however, curiously, we find him once again in an agricultural context, leading a team of oxen. But the Lord was about to change Saul's circumstances significantly.

Points to consider:

   God's chosen king unites his people in the face 
     of an enemy.
     * What are some ways God has answered your 
        prayers in unexpected ways?

God's chosen king secures victory over an enemy.
     * What are some reasons God often seems to use 
        the unlikely and undeserving to accomplish 
        His purposes?

✞   God's chosen king extends mercy after victory.
     * How does extending mercy to others help point 
        people to God, and specifically Jesus Christ?
     * What will it look like for Jesus Christ to be 
        sovereign in our lives?

week of 6/5

Unit 10  Session 1


1 SAMUEL 7 - 10

God is the one true King, and He alone is able to lead His people as they need.

God raised up Samuel to judge His people and to call them to repentance. Under Samuel's leadership, Israel experienced freedom from the surrounding nations, restoration of land, and revival in worship. During his lifetime, Samuel traveled throughout the nation to ensure people were faithful to the covenant the Lord had made with them. But when Samuel was old, his sons, whom he had appointed as judges, proved to be wicked leaders who took advantage of the people (1 Sam. 8:3). So the Israelites, in their discontentment, demanded to have a king like the nations around them.

Points to consider:

   An earthly kind is demanded by the people.
     * What are some of the lures of the world that
      attract and tempt God's people?
     * Why should we view all sin as an implicit
      rejection of God as our rightful King?

An impressive king is anointed for the people.
     * How does Saul's anointing as king compare
      to a believer's qualification for service?

✞   A reluctant king is presented to the people.
     * What are some ways you have experienced
      God's discipline?