Unit 5 Session 3
EXODUS 32 - 34
God judges idol-worshipers for giving the worship due Him to somethingor someone else, but He also offers grace.
After the Israelites arrived at Mount Sinai and had prepared themselves,
God spoke His Ten Commandments to them directly. This frightened the
people, and they requested that Moses speak to them for God. So Moses
climbed up Mount Sinai twice, entering the burning darkness of God's
glorious presence. His second ascent lasted forty days and nights as the
Lord gave him His law and the tablets containing the Ten Commandments
for the people of Israel. But in Moses' absence, the Israelites grew rest-
less and forgetful.
Points to consider:
✞ Idol-worshipers distort the worship of God.
* Does the quickness of the people's rebellion
against God surprise you? Why or why not?
* How does the true worship of God protect us
from distorted lives?
* How have you seen prayers for God's glory
and the salvation of sinners be answered?
* How does God's self-revelation here compare
with the life and ministry of Jesus Christ?
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