Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Today we had combined Sunday School class in the Sanctuary to discuss "D6".  D6 is derived from Deut. 6:5-7 and is intended to keep "every age on the same page".

First we looked at Matt. 28:19-20.  Verse 19 tells us to "teach" or make disciples, and "baptize" as a sign of obedience.  Verse 20 tells us to "teach" or give instruction, for three reasons:  
1.  Biblical reason (obedience)
2.  Cultural reason (protection of the Truth, since cultures can be toxic)
3.  Personal reason (application to our own lives)

We believe in the historical (context), grammatical (God-inspired Word), literal (unless there is a symbol, then we figure out what it means) interpretation of the Bible.


1.  Education for God's people...information for transformation by application
2.  Unity in the local Church...being on the same page
3.  Connection with other people...doing life together
4.  Fun times and memories...generation to generation
5.  Glorify the Lord...ultimately

Transformation, not just information

Unique Elements of D6 Curriculum:
* Great Commission Elements
* Family-Friendly Studies
* "Home Connection"
* "Splink" :  register at
* Home Devotional Magazine (will receive next week to begin the following Sunday)


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