How does Jesus intend for us to love others?
We look to His example: how does He love us?
1. He loves us selflessly. Phil. 2:7-8
2. He loves us understandingly. Heb. 4:15-16
3. He loves us forgivingly. 1John 1:9
4. He loves us sacrificially. James 1:12-15; Heb. 12:2
Therefore, we are called to love others selflessly, understandingly, forgivingly, and sacrificially.
This is how people will know His love and want to know Him, too!
Practical love provides motivation: 1John 3:16-18; Gal. 5:22, Gal. 6:8
*Walking in the Holy Spirit*
John 16: 13 He guides us into all truth.
Rom. 8:11 He quickens us.
Rom. 8:14 He reveals His plan for us.
Rom. 15-16 He assures us we are children of God.
1Cor. 12 He equips us with spiritual gifts.
Rom. 8:26 He intercedes for us.
Eph. 1:15 He seals our salvation.
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