Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, February 22, 2025

week of 2/23

Unit 06  Session 4


DEUTERONOMY 32:1-9, 44-47


Key Concept:
God's people must never forget or ignore God's words of life.

Deuteronomy means "second law". This book records Moses' final words to the second generation of Israelites after leaving Egypt. They were about to enter the promised land, though Moses would not enter because of his disobedience at Meribah (Numbers 20:1-13). On the plains of Moab, Moses repeated the law to the new generation before his death. Deuteronomy ends with the Song of Moses (chapter 32), his blessings for each of the twelve tribes (chapter 33), and his death (chapter 34). The book is a beautiful reminder that God keeps His covenant in every generation.

As you examine Deuteronomy 32:1-9, 44-47:

   Identify ways that God blessed us and called us His people without us deserving it.
✞   Consider how Moses called on God's people to remember His goodness and take God's
     words - our life - to heart.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

week of 2/16

Unit 06  Session 3


NUMBERS 21:1-9


Key Concept:
Confession and repentance will lead to healing.

Numbers 21 is yet another account of Israel's complaining and grumbling and God's punishing them for it. One would think, after numerous cycles of plagues and punishments, Israel would learn the lesson. But again, we should not assume we are any different from the Israelites; our fallen nature virtually guarantees we will always repeat this pattern. This time, the people rebelled and God sent venomous snakes throughout the camp. This time, however, when they confessed their sin, God made a way for them to be healed.

As you examine Numbers 21:1-9:

   Consider that impatience leads to ungratefulness, which leads to judgment.
✞   Meditate on Jesus comparing the bronze snake to Himself when He spoke to 
    Nicodemus (John 3:14-18).

Sunday, February 9, 2025

week of 2/9

Unit 06  Session 2


NUMBERS 14:11-24


Key Concept:
God is faithful both to forgive and to punish faithlessness.

Numbers 14 marks a tragic turning point in Israel's history. In Numbers 13, Moses sent spies into the promised land, charging them to scope out the land and bring a report back to the people. The spies came back and gave their "good news / bad news" report. The good news was that the land was everything the Lord had said it was. The bad news was that the cities were fortified, and the people were strong - also, giant (see Numbers 13:1-29). Despite the urging of Caleb and Joshua, the Israelites listened to the other ten spies and decided they wanted to go back to Egypt, and God judged them for their rebellion.

As you examine Numbers 14:11-24:

   Recognize that the Israelites deserved punishment and judgment for their faithlessness.
✞   Consider that God punished those who rebelled against Him but showed His faithful love 
    by not abandoning His covenant people.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

week of 2/2

Unit 06  Session 1


NUMBERS 11:4-6, 10-23


Key Concept:
Complaining shows our ungratefulness about God's provision.

After Moses finished setting up the tabernacle and consecrating all that was needed per God's instructions, the Israelites celebrated their second Passover, the anniversary of their deliverance from Egypt. Perhaps as they celebrated the Passover, instead of remembering all that God has done, their spirit and their appetite led them to think about what they were missing. They had been eating manna daily through God's provision. But now in Numbers 11, the people complained to Moses that they were tired of manna and wanted meat.

As you examine Numbers 11:4-6, 10-23:

   Note that our complaints against God provoke Him to anger.
✞   Contemplate ways we can show our gratitude to the God Who provides for our daily 
    needs and our greatest need in sending His Son to be our Savior.