Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, January 25, 2025

week of 1/26

Unit 05  Session 4


LEVITICUS 16:1-6, 15-22


Key Concept:
God provided the sacrificial system for His people's sins to be forgiven and atoned for.

The book of Leviticus serves as a detailed guidebook for the priests and Levites as they served God. In Leviticus 1-15, God gave five types of ritual sacrifices for Israel, along with rules for the priests and purity of the community. Chapter 16 outlined the Day of Atonement, when the high priest entered the tabernacle each year to offer sacrifices to take away the sins of all the people. This ceremony illustrated God's grace and justice in forgiving the people while pointing toward His ultimate plan for permanent salvation through Jesus Christ.

As you examine Leviticus 16:1-6, 15-22:

   Identify that the sacrificial system God prescribed repaired fellowship between sinners 
    and a holy God.
✞   Consider that Jesus is our High Priest and all believers are part of the priesthood with 
    free access to the Father (Hebrews 10:19-22).

Saturday, January 18, 2025

week of 1/18

Unit 05  Session 3


EXODUS 40:9-17, 34-38


Key Concept:
Though God is holy, He desires to dwell with His people for His glory.

In the last chapter of Exodus, the Israelites dedicated the tabernacle. Just as God commanded, Moses anointed all the beautiful furnishings the people made, emphasizing God's holiness. Then God fulfilled His promise to dwell among His chosen people (Exodus 29:44-46) when His glory filled the tent. Exodus 40 underscores God's unwavering faithfulness to His covenant and our response in worship.

As you examine Exodus 40:9-17, 34-38:

   Contemplate that we cannot approach a holy God without being purified from our sins.
✞   Note ways that the purification required for the tabernacle underscores the necessity 
    of holiness for approaching God and points to Jesus' redemptive work.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

week of 1/11

Unit 05  Session 2


EXODUS 34:1-14


Key Concept:
God is compassionate and gracious, and He is also a jealous God.

With many miracles, Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. At Mount Sinai, they received God's laws. As Moses returned to the mountaintop to receive additional instructions, the people created a calf to worship, violating the first and second commandments. Moses shattered the tablets to show that the people had broken their covenant with God. Moses then returned to Mount Sinai and pleaded with God for mercy. In response, God showed mercy by equipping Moses to lead and renewing His covenant with the people.

As you examine Exodus 34:1-14:

   Identify God's characteristics, such as the Lord is compassionate and gracious, yet just.
✞   Reflect upon the fact that we are to destroy idols in our lives, keeping God first in everything.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

week of 1/5

Unit 05  Session 1


EXODUS 20:2-17


Key Concept:
God's law reveals His good and holy expectations for His image-bearers.

God delivered the Israelites from cruel slavery in Egypt by His mighty hand. Then the Lord led them to Mount Sinai despite their doubts. God demonstrated His concern for human welfare, righteousness, and flourishing of His image-bearers by His giving of the Ten Commandments to His people. By giving the law on Mount Sinai, God showed His love by instructing His people how to live moral and devoted lives that bring blessing.

As you examine Exodus 20:2-17:

   Consider that God deserves exclusive worship for His glory but also for our benefit and
✞   Identify ways the Ten Commandments direct believers toward living with holiness in 
    their interactions with one another.