Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, December 28, 2024

week of 12/29

Unit 04  Session 5


EXODUS 17:1-7


Key Concept:
Complaining shows our doubts about God's presence.

God is supremely patient. From almost the moment the Israelites left Egypt, they were a faithless people filled with fear. But God's people were called to trust their Almighty God and remember all His faithful deeds and steadfast love. The story of the exodus and its aftermath is not just a story of God's power. It is the story of His presence - a holy, magnificent God condescends to be with fickle, undeserving people. And this Old Testament history foretells the coming of Christ, Who would dwell with His people and make a way for them to escape the bondage of sin.

As you examine Exodus 17:1-7:

   Consider that we test the Lord when we complain to others about God.
✞   Recognize that God has given us the gift of His presence, which provides us with 
    supernatural strength and help.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

week of 12/22

Unit 04  Session 4


EXODUS 16:1-12


Key Concept:
God is our Provider, giving us our daily bread and all we need. 

Exodus is a book about God's miraculous deliverance. Through a burning bush, plagues, and an escape through the sea, God revealed His power and faithfulness to Israel. Despite God's assurance that He would provide for their every need, they doubted God's faithfulness. Three days after they worshiped God on the bank of the Red Sea, the Israelites grumbled against God (Exodus 15:24) Unfortunately, this was only the beginning of a cycle of forgetfulness and faithlessness.

As you examine Exodus 16:1-12:

   Reflect upon the truth that God provides for our needs and wants us to trust Him.
✞   Note that God always acts in ways that reveal His glory.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

week of 12/15

Unit 04  Session 3


EXODUS 15:1-13


Key Concept:
God is our faithful Deliverer, able and powerful enough to save us from all things.

After the final plague of death to the firstborn son, Pharaoh finally let God's people go. But Pharaoh got angry and changed His mind, rallying the troops and pursuing the Hebrew people up to the Red Sea. Trapped, the people of God doubted that God could deliver. Through miraculous means however, God parted the Red Sea, led His people safely through, and defeated their enemies as the waters consumed them. Thus, God's promise to His people was fulfilled: "The Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I receive glory through Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horsemen" (Exodus 14:18). It was time for the Israelites to celebrate.

As you examine Exodus 15:1-13:

   Contemplate the methods God used to protect His people from Egypt.
✞   Respond with worship because of God's faithful and powerful acts in your life.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

week of 12/8

Unit 04  Session 2


EXODUS 12:12-13, 21-28


Key Concept:
God will execute judgment but will give grace to those who follow Him.

After a reluctant start, Moses returned to Egypt to deliver God's message to Pharaoh. Through Moses, God performed undeniable displays of power. The Egyptians suffered through plagues that proved the one true God was more powerful than any of the false gods the Egyptians served. Despite seeing God's hand at work, Pharaoh proved hardhearted and ignored God's command. One last plague remained that would strike at the heart of Pharaoh and all of Egypt, and through this final plague, God would deliver His people from bondage.

As you examine Exodus 12:12-13, 21-28:

   Notice how blood was the distinguishing mark of salvation from the Lord.
✞   Consider how God's deliverance of Israel should encourage us to celebrate and worship Him.

week of 12/1

Unit 04  Session 1


EXODUS 4:1-5, 10-17


Key Concept:
When God calls, He equips His people for service.

Through God's sovereign and gracious provision, Jacob's family relocated to Egypt to escape death by famine. With Joseph stationed as a high-ranking official in Egypt, the Hebrews enjoyed freedom and flourished in the region of Goshen. As time passed by after Joseph's death, the Hebrews faced great oppression at the hands of the Egyptians. God heard their cries, remembered His covenant, and called forth a deliverer - Moses - to rescue the Hebrews from slavery. Miraculously saved from death as a baby, Moses grew up in the Egyptian court. Later, reluctant to take on Pharoah, Moses initially demonstrated resistance to God's call.

As you examine Exodus 4:1-5, 10-17:

   Contemplate the fact God called Moses despite his excuses and insecurities.
✞   Identify ways God promised to equip Moses through His presence, power, and provision.