Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Sunday, October 27, 2024

week of 10/27

Unit 02  Session 4


gENESIS 24:37-50


Key Concept:
God's people trust in God's providence in every aspect of our lives.

By Genesis 24, Abraham was much older, and Sarah had died. But Isaac was unmarried. Wanting to get his family affairs in order and ensure the covenant promises lived on to another generation, Abraham sought to find Isaac a wife. Not wanting Isaac to marry one of the pagan Canaanites, Abraham sent one of his servants in Isaac's stead to his old homeland. The servant, trusting in the Lord's faithfulness to his master, went to Abraham's homeland and did exactly as Abraham said, bringing Rebekah home to her new husband. 

As you examine Genesis 24:37-50:

   Note the servant's reliance on prayer and God's providence to help him be successful in 
    his mission.
✞   Reflect on how God orchestrated the events in the servant's journey to bring Rebekah to 
    Canaan for Isaac.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

week of 10/20

Unit 02  Session 3


gENESIS 22:1-14


Key Concept:
The Lord tests our faith so it may be proven by obedience.

In keeping with God's covenant, Abraham's promised child finally arrived with the birth of Isaac. A few years later, God called to Abraham again; this time He commanded Abraham to take his son up a mountain and offer him as a sacrifice there to the Lord. Why would God ask Abraham to do such a thing? God put Abraham to the test to demonstrate Abraham's complete devotion to Him and, as we will see, God's merciful provision. This remained a fulfillment to God's promise and ultimately pointed to a greater fulfillment yet to come.

As you examine Genesis 22:1-14:

   Identify Abraham's actions that indicated he trusted God absolutely.
✞   Consider how the Gospel gives us encouragement to respond to tests and trials with faith.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

week of 10/13

Unit 02  Session 2


gENESIS 17:1-10; 15-19


Key Concept:
The almighty God makes it possible for humanity to be in relationship with Him.

Sojourning in his new home, Abram waited for God to bring about His promises, which included a son. Waiting isn't easy, and the aging Abram wondered if the promised child would ever come. Growing anxious, he and Sarai brought Hagar into the fold and bore Ishmael through her. But God did not need their help, only their faith. Ishmael would not be the inheritor of the blessing, and God had not forgotten His word. Everything He promised would come to pass. So Abram received a new name that reminded him of that truth and reconfirmed the covenant God had made with him. 

As you examine Genesis 17:1-10; 15-19:

   Consider the significance of God calling upon His people to live in His presence.
✞   Recognize that true faith always leads to obedient action for those who love Jesus 
    and are called by Him.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

week of 10/5

Unit 02  Session 1


gENESIS 12:1-9


Key Concept:
Faith is obeying and following God no matter the circumstances that come with it.

Genesis 12 opens a new era of God's revelation. For eleven chapters, God revealed the beginning of the world at a macro level. In Chapter 12, God begins to reveal the beginning of His covenant at a micro level, from many generations down to one man. Abram is the beginning of the story in so many ways. Our understanding of the grace of God revealed ultimately in Jesus Christ is strengthened by our understanding of the story of Abram way back in Genesis.

As you examine Genesis 12:1-9:

   Identify the sacrifices Abram made to step out in faithful obedience.
✞   Consider how knowing the love God has for us encourages us to obey and follow His call.