Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, July 27, 2024

week of 7/27

Unit 35  Session 5



Being a prisoner in Rome did not stop Paul from spreading the Gospel as he continued to tell all who would listen about Jesus.

When we last saw Paul, he was on the island of Malta. The people received him, as well as the rest of the men on the ship, with hospitality. They stayed there for three months. But the final destination was still in Paul's focus: Rome. As with any journey, Paul's trip to Rome didn't go exactly how he planned. He arrived as a prisoner in chains. Yet God's plan was still progressing, and the Gospel was still spreading.

Points to consider:

   God's people find encouragement 
     from the church.
     * Why is it encouraging to find 
        fellow brothers and sister in 
        Christ in times of trouble?
     * How can you go out of your 
        way to support, encourage, 
        or help another believer 
        this week?

✞   God's people refuse to compromise 
     the truth.
     * Who do you still need to share 
        the Gospel with, whether they 
        are convinced or not?
     * How do we guard ourselves from 
        being calloused to the Word and 
        the Holy Spirit?

✞   God's people welcome all into 
      the kingdom.
     * When we are going through 
        our own struggles, how do
        we stay passionate about 
        proclaiming the Gospel?
     * How does your life proclaim 
        the kingdom of God in your 
        words and actions?

Saturday, July 20, 2024

week of 7/21

Unit 35  Session 4


ACTS 27-28

Even as Paul traveled to Rome in chains, he continued to serve others and direct them to find hope in God.

Last week, we saw Paul in a courtroom with King Agrippa and Governor Festus. Though both men found no fault in Paul, he had requested an audience with the emperor. The journey was not unusual at that time; the ship would follow the traditional maritime route through the Mediterranean. The 1800-mile trip to Rome was full of highs and lows, victories and defeats, and plenty of opportunities to live out his faith.

Points to consider:

   Even in adversity, God's people 
     seek the welfare of others.
     * How are you using your 
        wisdom to help others?
     * What happens when someone 
        doesn't take wisdom?

✞   Even in adversity, God's people 
     offer hope to others.
     * How can we use words 
        given to us to help others?
     * How do we live with hope 
        in Christ in difficult times?

✞   Even in adversity, God's people 
     serve others.
     * In difficult times, how do 
        you still minister to others?
     * How can you show your 
        social concern this week?

Saturday, July 13, 2024

week of 7/14

Unit 35  Session 3


ACTS 24-26

God fulfilled His promise that Paul would go to Rome to preach the Gospel in God's own timing and way.

Claudius Lysias, the Roman commander in Jerusalem, sent Paul by armed guard in the middle of the night to Caesarea. Today's passage finds Paul waiting in Caesarea, still in Roman custody. They'd wait a few days for Paul's accusers: the high priest, some elders, and a spokesman lawyer, Tertullus. Now it was Paul's turn to speak.

Points to consider:

   God's people stand faithfully 
     on His promises.
     * How can we use confrontations 
        as a reminder to give an honest 
        assessment of our own lives 
        and faith?
     * How do you know you can trust 
        in the authority and hope found 
        in God's Word as Paul did?

✞   God's people wait patiently 
     on His timing.
     * How can we better wait for 
        God's timing when life seems 
     * What does a life with a clear 
        conscience look like and how 
        can it impact the unbelieving 
        world around us?

✞   God's people rest assuredly 
     in His sovereignty.
     * What is your response to people 
        who think you're crazy because 
        of what you believe or how you 
     * If you had one wish or prayer 
        for an unbeliever in your life, 
        what would it be and why?