Unit 33 Session 3
Paul pleaded for Philemon to be reconciled with Onesimus, modeling the reconciliation Christ has extended to us.
As we've studied how the church has grown in caring for each other, despite their differences, we see that Christ is the reconciling factor. The passage today will focus on how God reconciled us to Christ and calls us now to the ministry of reconciliation. In a world with so much brokenness, so many ex-friends, and so many wounded hearts, we have a call from God to get our hands dirty (not sinful) bringing people together for the sake of Christ's kingdom. Anybody can be part of what pulls this world apart, but every Christian is called to be part of God's grace in putting it back together.
Points to consider:
✞ Reconciliation is born out of love.
* What can we learn about
confronting conflict from
Paul's method?
* Why is reconciliation between
believers important for the
Lord's ministry to grow?
✞ Reconciliation is achieved through Christ.
* Though we treat everyone with
love and respect, how is the
special bond we have with
other believers displayed?
* How does the ministry of
reconciliation play itself
out inside the church?
✞ Reconciliation is realized by God's grace.
* What are some examples of
how we can help believers or
ourselves be reconciled
with others?
* How does knowing Christ paid
our debt help us see the
importance of reconciliation?