Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, February 24, 2024

week of 2/25

Unit 30 Session 5


MATTHEW 9 - 10 ; ROMANS 10

God has sent His people into the world to tell others about Christ.

In Matthew 9 - 10, Jesus taught about the kingdom of God and showed the kingdom's power through deeds of love and mercy. Jesus also set up and commissioned His disciples to follow the example He set for sharing the good news of the kingdom. Romans 10 reveals a glimpse of Paul's heart for evangelism. Paul was the foremost example of evangelism and church planting after Jesus' resurrection. His work spread the church through the known world of his day. Paul echoed Jesus' call for Christians to share the gospel to others.

Points to consider:

   God's people are to pray for the world with compassion.
     * How can you be diligent in praying for God to send 
        more workers into the harvest?
     * How can we see evangelism as a privilege?

✞   God's people are to go into the world with assurance.
     * As disciples, what are examples of things we can 
        do to carry out the mission and work of God?
     * How can we take steps toward trusting God in 
        equipping us for evangelism?

✞   God's people are to preach to the world with urgency.
     * Why is it right for God to judge those who reject Him?
     * How can we stress the importance of evangelism to 
        ourselves and others in the church?

Monday, February 19, 2024

week of 2/18

 Unit 30 Session 4


ACTS 4-5

God judged Ananias and Sapphira for lying about the gift they gave, protecting the purity of the early church.

After Peter's preaching and the group's prayer for boldness and for God to act in miraculous ways, the group felt a sense of further oneness, and one of their first actions was to give generously to meet the needs of their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The first picture of generosity was given in Acts 2, where all the believers shared everything they had, even selling their possessions to give to all "as any had need" (v.45). Here in Acts 4, this pattern continued, though not all would be generous.

Points to consider:

   God's people practice generosity.
     * How can we, as a body of believers, 
        feel and act more unified?
     * What does it take to sacrifice worldly 
        goods for the sake of needs in the 
        church body?

✞   God's people confront sin.
     * How easy or difficult is it to 
        confront sin in others and why?
     * When confronted with sin, why 
        do we sometimes fall into more 
        sin when we are unrepentant?

✞   God's people display reverence.
     * How do we balance a seriousness 
        for staying away from sin and grace 
        to forgive when sin happens?
     * How can the church instill more 
        understanding of reverent fear of t
        he Lord to its people?

Saturday, February 10, 2024

week of 2/10

Unit 30 Session 3



When Peter and John were arrested and warned not to preach Jesus, they responded that they could not stop proclaiming the risen Savior.

Much like Jesus Himself, the apostles soon faced hostility from worldly leaders. The Jewish leaders, in particular, were threatened by those who followed Jesus. Jesus' disciples were seen as a rebellious sect who would not submit to the Jewish leaders. In light of the recent healing of the man born lame, Jewish leaders arrested the apostles and questioned them the next day. Peter and John used these questions to once again proclaim the truth about Jesus.

Points to consider:

   God's people testify about the risen Savior.
     * How can you more boldly proclaim Christ with 
        the Spirit's power?

✞   God's people refuse to be silenced about 
      the Risen Savior.
     * What happens when we fear people rather 
        than God?
     * What are some ways people face persecution 
        today for telling the good news of Jesus?

✞   God's people pray for boldness to proclaim 
     the risen Savior.
     * How do we cultivate more corporate prayer for 
        the work of God's mission in our lives?
     * What are ways we can respond in obedience to 
        God's plan to bring salvation to others who don't 
        yet know Him?

Saturday, February 3, 2024

week of 2/4

Unit 30 Session 2



In healing the man who was lame, Peter and John displayed God's power to him and all those around and pointed to a greater, spiritual healing found in Christ.

As we continue in the book of Acts, we notice brokenness entered the story quickly. The first Christians had been together - sharing their resources and possessions with one another as any had need (Acts 2:42-47). They now moved out into the world, and there they met a man who had been lame from birth. Through this story, we will see how the generosity that marked the people of God in the church spilled over into their care for those on the outside, especially those who were hurting and broken.

Points to consider:

   God's people serve others to display God's works.
     * How is our social concern a testimony of our love for 

✞   God's people challenge others to recognize God's Son.
     * How can we remain humble in ministry successes?
     * How can our service point more directly to Jesus?

✞   God's people invite others to experience God's presence.
     * How can we help lead others to repentance?
     * If Christians have been forgiven, why do some often 
        feel weighed down instead of refreshed?