Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, August 27, 2022

week of 8/28

Unit 12  Session 4


1 KINGS 9:1-9  ;  11:14-40  ;  TITUS 3

The sinner deserves God's punishment, but God has extended mercy.

When Solomon finished building the temple of the Lord and his royal palace, he must have patted himself on the back. God then appeared to him and explained what would happen if he followed God like his father, David, did and what would happen if he didn't. Solomon decided not to listen to the Lord's warning. And in not listening, he failed miserably in the eyes of the Lord, so judgment was coming. Solomon was supposed to be the wisest man in the world, yet one misstep led to another. Oh, but for the mercy of God extended to us! Oh, but for His mighty plan and redeeming love to save us from our missteps and failures! Oh, but for the true King who leads us well as an example and a Savior for us!

Points to consider:

   Punishment is promised to all who disobey the Lord
     * Why does God repeatedly remind His people of the 
        blessings of obedience?

✞   Mercy is extended to all who return to the Lord.
     * How should we respond to the mercy of God, whether 
        shown to us or others?

✞   Salvation is provided to all who fall on the Lord.       
     * In addition to sending Jesus, what are some ways God 
        has shown His love and kindness toward humanity?
     * How does the fact that we are undeserving of 
        salvation magnify the glory of God's mercy in 
        saving us?

Saturday, August 20, 2022

week of 8/21

Unit 12  Session 3


1 KINGS 10-12

Sin begins in the heart, but its consequences affect others.

It's a dark time in the kingdom, but you wouldn't know it. The prosperity and fame of King Solomon had put him on the map in more ways than one. Foreign royalty had come to see for themselves both the lavish wealth and wisdom of Solomon. You'd think that with every blessing and provision Solomon would have been living with wholehearted devotion to God. You'd think that, but you'd be wrong. Dark days lay ahead for the king and his kingdom. It's too bad Solomon couldn't see that.

Points to consider:

   A divided heart leads to sin
     * Why is it important that God's people obey His 
        command not to marry unbelievers?
     * What steps can we take to help us avoid passive 
        and active works of evil in our lives?

✞   A rebellious heart receives judgment.
     * Why does the Lord's discipline of believers in 
        Christ resemble that of Solomon and not Saul?

✞   An arrogant heart results in division and strife.       
     * Why might division be considered a natural 
        consequence of sin?

Saturday, August 13, 2022

week of 8/14

Unit 12  Session 2


1 KINGS 6-9

God is faithful to provide forgiveness for people so that He might dwell with them.

Solomon had secured the throne. He was God's chosen king of Israel. But he came to the office with a heavy expectation and task upon him - building God a temple. And so, the "Builder King" went to work assembling material and organizing labor to build a new place for God, as well as a palace for himself, that would showcase his extraordinary wisdom and wealth to all the world. But as Israel had learned before, handling the things of God isn't always a safe endeavor. With the completion of the temple, some may have been wondering if God would approve of this house built for Him.

Points to consider:

   The temple hosts God's presence with His people
     * When have you felt God's presence in your life?
     * What similarities and differences do you see 
        between Solomon's temple and the church as 
        the temple of the Holy Spirit?

✞   The temple declares God's faithfulness to His people.
     * Why was retelling the story of God's covenant 
        with David important?

✞   The temple depicts God's forgiveness for His people.       
     *How should Solomon's prayer help instruct 
       our prayers? 

Saturday, August 6, 2022

week of 8/7

 Unit 12  Session 1


1KINGS 1-3

God is generous in giving wisdom to His people.

The crown is falling on your head. You're about to be the leader of a nation that is finally settling into peace and prosperity. Your father is one of the greatest leaders of all time, but you're young, inexperienced, and naive. Your brothers want your position; your father's generals are nervous about your leadership skill. The expectations over you are higher than they have ever been for anyone in your position before. How will you possibly meet and even exceed those expectations? Welcome to the first days of the reign of King Solomon, son of David.

Points to consider:

   A covenant charge is given to a son
     * Why were expectations for Solomon so high?
     * Why is it important to walk in God's ways?

✞   A gracious offer is made to a son.
     * Why is it sometimes difficult to ask God for things?

✞   A generous gift is given to a son.
     * Why do you think God blessed Solomon in this way?