Unit 9 Session 6
rOMANS 1 - 8
Everyone is a sinner deserving death, but God has provided the means of rescue through Jesus Christ.
In the beginning, God created everything good and perfect. But soon the choice of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden unleashed the deadly power of sin upon God's good creation. The accounts of the judges make it abundantly clear that sin is a powerful force to be reckoned with - and we don't have the power to do so. Even the bright spots of Ruth, Boaz, Hannah, and Samuel were plagued by sin personally and dealt with a world marred by sin's effects, including famine, infertility, idolatry, and death. On our own, we are helpless before sin and death, but through the Savior sent for our salvation, we overcome.
Points to consider:
✞ All are guilty of sin against God.
* How should Christians process and understand
the "good works" of people?
* How would you respond to someone who says,
"I'm not as bad as the kind of people Paul
describes in Romans 3:10-18"?
* What are some ways the gospel of Jesus
addresses the fall of Adam and his descendants?
✞ All can be rescued from sin and death in Christ.
* What will it look like to live according to the
Spirit and not the flesh?